Chapter One

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The hot summer breeze rushed passed many people who stayed outside to cheer on their football team, a blonde haired male with big bright blue eyes, dragged a very tall male who has dark brown hair and medium coloured brown eyes.

The blonde male continued to drag the tall male behind him until they were at the bleachers, the blonde haired male soon found a spot for the two of them and sat down, the tall brunette male just sighed "Tommy?" He called out the blonde's name hoping he was able to hear the brunette.

The blonde turned his head so he was facing one of his older brothers "Yes,Wilbur?" Tommy replied, "You know, I told you not to bring me here, I have band practice." Wilbur said, he stood up and Tommy sighed "I know...but your always so busy, I just wanted to hang out." Tommy looked at the ground.

Wilbur looked down at his younger brother, the tall male sighed and sat back down, Tommy lifted up his head and smiled. The joy on Tommy's face was all Wilbur need to see to make himself smile with joy.

The screams of the crowd snapped Wilbur out of his little head-space, his school had just won the football game.

(P.s, I'm Australian so, 🏈=Football and ⚽️=soccer.)

Tommy stood up and began screaming along with the crowd who cheer for their team and showing support to the opposition who had lost by one point.

Wilbur stayed sitting down but he did clap his hands to show that he was proud of his friends and his brother and father for winning the game. A male the same height as Wilbur walked over and gave a little smirk to Tommy and Wilbur.

"Techno! You were awesome!" Tommy yelled rushing over to the fence to his older brother, Wilbur got off the bleacher he was sitting on and walked over to his twin brother. "I must say that you did a great job Techno." Wilbur smiled at his twin brother.

Techno smiled at his brother, his long pink hair tied up into a ponytail which was squished up in his helmet, Techno reached up and pulled off his helmet shaking his hair a bit, letting the loose strands fall on his face or have a couple of loose strands stand up.

The captain of the other team walked across the field and congratulate Techno on his win, "Hopefully one day I'll beat you." The dirty blonde hair male spoke with a smile on his face. Techno gave the other captain his usual small smile and shook his hand.

"Well, my team needs a new football captain and since your soon coming here...why don't you take my spot? This was my last game after all." Techno let go of the other captain's hand and stared at him waiting for a response.

"I think you'll be an amazing captain, I hope you will take up my son's offer." A voice spoke, they all looked and it was the coach of the football team, Philza Soot Minecraft.

The dirty blonde haired male smiled and greeted the coach of the opposite team, "So? What's your answer Dream?" This time it was Dream's coach who spoke up.

"I think it's a great opportunity! Sure our school will miss you, but don't let us get in you're way!" Dream smiled at his coach's words and stuck his out for Phil to shake.

Phil smiled and gripped onto Dream's hand and shook it, "I accept, thank you." Dream spoke, people for both sides cheered on the old captain and now the new captain.

Soon everyone began to leave, but a couple of people stayed behind and just sat on the bleachers talking to friends or reading.

Wilbur smiled at his brothers and his father, when he felt his phone buzz, it was his band asking 'Where he was?' Wilbur sighed, he now only realised that his band members also his friends haven't been able to hang out with their friends or family.

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