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"My queen

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"My queen... what now?"

The question was strange.

Never had she been asked this question. It was always just "prepare for your battle" or "we must do this and that". But now that everything was completed, Shila could really focus on her nation. On her people.

All of the new lords of Amannudin are gathered around a table, attention completely on their queen. Standing from her seat, Shila paces around the table, occasionally stopping to stare at each lord. It's odd behavior from their queen no doubt, however none question it. Surely she has some sort of explanation for this? Or perhaps Shila is attempting to collect her thoughts.

"Have we rebuilt everything?" The ravenette asks Shaquanna, who clears her throat and stands up.

"Yes, my queen. The only thing left to complete is the borders and walls."

"Why is it taking so long?" Her lips twist into a frown. "Are we lacking funds? I can increase the budget if--"

"That's not necessary, my queen." The brunette offers their ruler a kind smile. "In fact, we have more than enough. I'm afraid due to the shorter winter days, prayers are far closer together. It's difficult--"

"I understand," The young woman sighs, folding her hands behind her back. She has yet to sit down, choosing instead to stand next to her comfortable seat as she speaks. "No need to explain yourself further, Shaquanna. I may not follow the Islamic religion, but it is predominant in my land, and I'm aware of most of the important details."

Then her gaze travels to a nearby clock and a thought passes her mind. "In fact, it's around time for the Asr prayer. If you have nothing additional to report to me then you may be dismissed. You as well, Javaaid. You must announce the prayer."

"Yes, my queen." The captain of the guard nods and exits his seat. As soon as Shaquanna moves to leave, he races after her with long strides until they arrive at the large meeting room door. Before his wife can even touch the door handle, Javaaid is opening the door for her-- a small gesture that he often makes.

Shila observes the scene with a small aching heart. Longing spreads through her entire body, bringing weakness to her limbs. If she wasn't in a meeting, Shila's sure she would have sunk down to the ground and cried softly.

Salman seems to have noticed her sadness and makes an attempt at directing all attention to him. Before continuing, he reassures Shila that he's already prayed and that he is fine to continue to meeting.

The blacksmith clears his throat and stands up with a kind smile. "The armory for the military has been completely improved and re-stocked. All weapons are either personally crafted by the hands of my well-trained students or myself. If the need for extra weaponry ever arises, spares have been stocked in a room anterior to the armory."

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