He stops cooking for a moment to pet a kitten.

"In today's challenge, I get to show the world my great cooking expertise!"

The screen cuts back to the Mess Hall where Bowie and Emma are entering. Bowie's chewing gum.

"What's with all the gum?" Emma asked.

"Ugh. I'm trying to get rid of the taste of Raj's mouth guard!" Bowie said, sitting across from Gina.

"Jeez. You guys must have Frenched pretty hard if you can still taste him." she smirked.

"Hilarious. He left me his mouth guard, and I sorta accidently shoved it in my mouth." Bowie admitted.

"How do you accidently..." Emma said, before looking at Chase and going into a trance.

"Em! Em!" Gina said, clicking her fingers in front of Emma's face.

"Now what is this about?" Bowie asked, before the door was flung open. Julia was standing in the doorway.

"Good morning Butt Knuckles!" she smirked.

"Her insults are as fresh as her fashion sense." Gina muttered.

"Watch me put her in her place." Bowie said, strutting over to Julia.

"What's wrong Julia? Did someone post a vid-" he began, before Julia elbowed him in the chest, making him fall and spit out his gum which fell back down onto him.

"Oops. You should have moved." Julia shrugged. She walked past Millie and Priya, smacking the bottom of their trays, covering them with their food "Sorry not sorry."


Gina: Ram Sweeny. Fourth year of line backer and eighth year of smacking lunch trays. And being a huge *bleep*ck


Julia walked over to Emma who was now standing up.

"Aw, Emma, you look sooo tired, take a seat." Julia said, shoving her over, making her fall into Chase's lap.

"Congratulations, you've reached the pettiness level of a white, blonde, popular girl in an early Disney channel movie." Gina scoffed at Julia.

Julia grabbed a handful of her blueberries and squashed them onto Gina's face.

"And you two!" Julia said to Ripper and Zee, walking over to them "Eh. Not worth it."

The two boys sighed in relief.

"Just kidding! WEDGIES!" Julia said, giving them each a wedgie.


Julia: *Sighs happily* Ok, that felt so good! And if you think I just got myself eliminated, you're wrong! They can't eliminate me if I keep winning immunity!

A/n, you haven't won it once, cannon or in this fanfic!

Gina: *Wipes some of the blueberry juice off her face with her finger before licking it off.* I got off pretty easy IMO.


"See you at the challenge!" Julia said, walking past Priya and Millie with a bowl of her brightly coloured slop.

"So. I guess she's full evil now?" Priya said.

"It sure looks that way." Millie sighed.

The screen pans to Emma sitting in Chase's lap.

"O-Oh, sorry, I uh..." she stuttered.

"No no, it's cool. Are you..?" he replied.

"Yeah. yeah. I-I'm ok." Emma said, getting out of his lap "Maybe we should..?"

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