Day 8

288 6 9

Third person POV

Julia was sitting up in her bed staring at her phone as it pinged over and over again.

Bowie was sleeping in the bunk below her because... reasons.

"Look at all of them!" Julia said, staring her phone.

"Turn down your phone!" Bowie commanded.

"Free the werewolves, it's not their fault, blame it on the moon..." Gina murmured in her sleep.

"I have never had this many followers before!" Julia marveled.

A pillow was thrown at her.


Julia: I lost all my followers for yelling at that ugly dinosaur, but the crazy thing is, I gained a bunch of new ones! I guess I'm not the only one who's tired of pretending to be perfect! And now that I get to be the real me, everyone on this island is in for a serious wake up call.

Emma: Am I the only one who sorta wants to know what Gina was dreaming about?


Screen cuts to Bowie walking over to his shoes.

"I should get over to breakfast..." he said to himself. He put one on his feet in one of his shoes and something squelched.

He pulled a disgusted expression.


Bowie: So, Raj left me a little present. His mouth guard *Holds it up.* If you think that's bad, wait till you read the poem. *Takes out some paper, clears his throat and starts reading it* Santa Claus lives in the north, which isn't the south. I want you to have this, it's been in my mouth. It's sad, and adorable. *Looks at the mouth guard.* I mean, he wore this during his games... out there, skating hard, driving the net (?), scoring goals, STOP! There'll be plenty of time for hot Raj later! Right now you gotta focus up and win that million! Let's do this! *Shoves the mouthguard in his mouth, before spitting it out* That is super gross!


Screen cuts to Millie, Priya and Gina lining up for food. Chris is dressed in chefs clothes and dishing out bowls of brightly coloured food.

"With the time you wasted dying this slop different colours, you could have just cooked up a good breakfast!" Millie exclaimed.

"Uh uh! Yeah! Tell him Millie! Kapow! Let him have it! Go for the knockout!" Priya cheered, punching the air in front of her.

"Actually, that was it. I was done." Millie replied.

"You still made a pretty good point. I'm not eating this stuff." Gina said, before throwing her rainbow slop on Chris.

"hey!" he exclaimed.

"Whatever dude. You're wearing an apron." Gina shrugged, before walking over to a table and pulling out a zip lock back full of blueberries.


Gina: When I realized the food here is something you'd see in a prison break movie, I went foraging. Turns out this place has some pretty decent food. *Tosses a blueberry in her mouth.*


"Why are you serving breakfast anyway? Where's Chef?" Priya asked Chris.

"uhhhh, haha, Chef is... busy." Chris said.

The screen cuts to Chef preparing food while he provides a voice over.

"I've always thought of food as, art! Not the slop I serve the kids, that's not even food. Today, oh ho ho today will be different!"

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