Day 1

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Third person POV 

"Our next contestant is Gina!" Chris called. 

Another boat pulled up with Gina on it. She held the handle of a suitcase in one hand, and a cello in the other. 

"Hey." she called with a wave. 

Audition video 

Gina waves to the camera. She's sitting at a desk. There's a bed with green blankets and a bunch of cushions with a uklele sitting on it and a small window with an iPod with earbuds attached and a small cactus sitting on the window sill in the background as well as a Lesbien flag hanging up on the door. 

"Heyyyy! I'm Gina!" she smiled "my brother was on total drama pahkitew island." 

The screen cuts to Alex singing The Climb at the TDPI talent show, before cutting back to Gina. 

"And then he won Ridonculous Race." 

The screen cuts to Scarlett and Alex cheering as they're handed the million dollars after Ridonculous Race, then cuts back to Gina. 

"I'm a martial artist." Gina said. 

It cuts to her chopping through a wooden plank. 


It cuts back to Gina, only showing her face. 

"Gymnast!" she said. 

The camera zoomed out, showing her doing a handstand on a balance beam. It cuts to her sitting on a stool with a cello. 

"Cellist" she said. 

She played the opening cords of Alexander Hamilton. 

It cuts to her sitting on her bed. 

"And I'd be your first openly LGBTQIA+ contestant. Well, tied if my bestie Bowie gets in too. But, I'd be your first openly LGBTQIA+ winner." 

Confident hair flip 

"Pick me! And also Bowie! See ya!" 

The screen cuts back to the show 

"Hey. Great to be here! I mean, not really, but whatever." Gina said, walking past Chris and standing beside Bowie. 

"Hey girl." he said with a smile. 

"Hey yourself." she responded. 

The screen pans to Lauren/Scary girl and MK who look at Gina. Lauren was grinning as usual, and MK had a slight smile. 


Lauren/Scary girl: Oooooh! She's gorgeous! *Claps excitedly.* 

MK: Hm. Cellist. Nice. 


"The next contestant is a pretty big deal. Give it up for Nichelle LaDonna!" Chris announced. 


Gina: *freaking out.* oh my god, Nichelle LaDonna?! She's one of my favourite celebrities! *Slaps self* Georgina Angelica Floki, calm your tits for goodness sake! 


"Nichelle LaDonna?! Star of Hot Teen Ninja Detective squad?!" Bowie exclaimed. 

"I loved her in Gorgeous People High." Emma smiled. 

MK and Gina just stared and Nichelle in awe. Gina was gripping Bowie's arm and looked like she had forgotten how to blink.  

"Be cool... be cool... be cool... OH MY GOD, I AM LIKE, YOUR BIGGEST FAN!" Priya exclaimed in excitement. 

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