Day 2

503 6 33

Third person POV 

"I can't believe Caleb got sent home instead of me!" Emma exclaimed at Breakfast. 

"You can thank us for that." Bowie said. 

"We convinced the others to vote him off." Gina added. 

"You did that... for me?" Emma said. 

"Not at all, but let's pretend we did, and you owe us." Bowie said. "Because... now I'm a little sad Caleb's gone. He was serious eye candy." he sighed. 

"Oh my gods, no he wasn't!" Gina chuckled. 

"he really was!" Emma said "Why didn't you convince the team to vote off somebody else? Maybe there would have been a swimming challenge and Caleb would have taken his shirt off!" she said. 


Gina: Dearly beloved, for your entertainment, it's my pleasure to introduce to you Hell's latest arrival, total simp for Caleb, Emma! 


"Why would you say that? I'm already sad!" Bowie exclaimed. 

"Ooh. Sorry." Emma apologized

"kay, simping time over, so, Chase cut your brakes? Why?" Gina asked Emma. 

"UGH! So, a bunch of us lived in a house and we basically livestreamed a bunch of crazy stunts, but Chase broke the number one rule, the person doing something stupid has to know they're doing something stupid, AND HE DIDN'T!" 

"And he could have killed you. You kinda minimized that part." Bowie said. 

"it's clear that Chase suffers from low self esteem as a result of physical and emotional neglect, and he craves fame and fortune as a way to gain self worth." Gina explained. 

"You thought of all that just by what I said?" she asked. 

"yep." Gina said. 


Gina: Actually, I searched up his YouTube channel, and the only reason anyone would do the stupid stuff Chase does was to gain attention. 


"Anyway, in today's challenge, if there's any way we can help you get a little revenge..." Gina smirked. 

"Gina! You ruh-ruh-rock!" Emma cheered, finger gunning her a couple times. 

"Ok." Bowie said, clearly confused. 

"I think the three of us are going to become good friends!" Emma smiled. 


Bowie: it's ok to make a friend. On this island, a friend equals an alliance. That's survival 101 here. 


"Attention campers! it's challenge time! On the beach, ten minutes! I'm out!" Chris said over the loudspeaker. 

"Well. Let's go die." Gina said, standing and leaving. 


Screen cuts to MK walking behind Gina. She sees her phone poking out of her pocket and smirks. 

She pretends to stumble and falls into her, slipping Gina's phone into her hand and stuffing it in her pocket. 

"woah, sorry." MK said. 

"Oh, no prob. And my phone for a crappy necklace isn't that fair of a trade, soooo, can we switch back?" Gina said, holding up the necklace MK had taken from Julia the day before. 

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