"THROW SOME FIRE YOU WHEEZY LITTLE FUCKASS! WE'RE GONNA DIE!" That finally got his attention and he got up, grumbling and rubbing his head.

I opened the sunroof and he poked his upper body through it. Doing my best to keep the car steady at our high speed, Dabi shot his blue fire in bursts at the chopper.

Either that helicopter was fireproof or they had a really good pilot, 'cause it still wasn't going down.



Dabi's POV

This helicopter might be fireproof. I swear I hit it about a million times, but nothing was happening. I fired a long stream of flames, but it was barely even scathed when the smoke cleared.

I tried creating another fireball in my hand, but was interrupted by a sharp pain that shot up my arm. I hissed in pain and looked down to see what the issue was.

I saw fresh burn marks on my hands, although they were barely there. I also noticed beads of blood peeking out around the staples on my wrists.


I ducked back into the car and dove feet first into the front passenger seat. I could barely get my seatbelt on when Hunter banked a right, throwing me into the door.

When we evened out, I yelled at him, "Watch it, wouldja?!"

He kept his eyes forward, but yelled back, "Well I'm sorry, but I'm trying to focus on SAVING OUR ASSES!"

I shook my head. "In any case, it's no good. I think there's some kind of fireproof plating on that thing."

Hunter, who was miraculously able to keep us from dying so far, paused for a minute. "Take the wheel."

"Wait, what?!"

He unbuckled his seatbelt and climbed into the back. I threw myself over the center console and grabbed the steering wheel.



I reached a hand back and unbuckled my seatbelt, climbing the rest of the way into the driver's seat. It was proving very difficult to avoid hitting other cars at the speed we were going.

How the hell did he do this?!

I sped through a red light, hearing cars honking and loud crashing behind me.



3rd Person POV

Killua climbed through the sunroof and balanced himself on top of the car. Keeping himself low in a three-point position, he kept himself stuck to the roof with his Nen.

He narrowed his eyes at the helicopter, which was still firing at their vehicle.

A voice sounded from the chopper again. "SURRENDER VILLAINS!"

Killua snorted. Then what? Get arrested?

"Gonna have to pass on that one."

He slowly stood up, but kept his knees bent. He activated En, patiently waiting. A bullet whizzed by his ear, but he didn't flinch.

It was only until a bullet was on a direct path to his chest that he made a move. He reinforced his fist with a good amount of Ko and turned his body to the side to catch the bullet.

He turned it around in his hand and placed it in a flicking position. He held his hand in front of him, carefully aiming for a certain someone. He paused momentarily before flicking the bullet at the chopper.

Killer's Desire (HxH x BNHA)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora