
47 2 2

may 6 2007

Nakia walked out of her room, rubbing her eyes. She had slept until about noon. It was a beautiful morning. The birds were chirping, the sun was beginning to shine and it didn't look cold outside.

She stumbled upon Thomas in the kitchen fumbling to tie his shoes.

"Hey kid," he grunted, not looking up. "Hungry?" She nodded, sitting at the island. She poured herself a bowl of cereal as she stared at the man.

He was in a white button-down shirt, black pants, and dress shoes. She chuckled as she poured her milk.

"You have a date?"

Thomas glanced at her before putting on a watch. "No, what makes you say that?"

"The suit," she replied, pointing at him.

"Oh uh no," Thomas said. "I have no plans. We're taking a ride."

"Ooh," she replied. "Where are we going?"

"You're going to Natasha's. I'm going somewhere else."

Natasha's? She'd never been anywhere but Thomas's house and S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters. Thomas believed keeping her secret meant little to no contact with the outside world. But it had been two months, Nakia was growing restless and Thomas was starting to think that keeping her confined was doing more harm than good.

They were starting small. A trip across town, to another agent. Besides, if anything went wrong Natasha could handle herself. Natasha could probably take him in a fight. And Phil would be there too, so there wasn't a problem.

"What's at Natasha's," Nakia asked curiously.

"A relaxing day," Thomas said, grabbing a bagel. "A nice break, a wonderful view. For me. For you: Natasha. Let's go. Grab your jacket."

Nakia shoveled a few more spoons of cereal into her mouth before running out the door.

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"Natasha is really pretty don't you think," Nakia said, kicking her feet.

"Sure I guess," Thomas said, gripping the steering wheel. "Why?"

Nakia didn't seem to hear him. "And she has beautiful hair," Thomas raised his eyebrows.

"And doesn't she has doe eyes,"

"Uh-huh," he muttered. "Until she snaps your windpipe." Nakia didn't seem to be paying attention, she stared dreamily out the window.

"Right..." Thomas said, mainly to himself. "Let's play some tunes."

✁- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Do you think Nakia likes pizza," Nat asked frantically. "Or do you think she likes Asian food more?"

"I don't think Thomas has ever gotten takeout since the 'Charlie' incident. Think he's afraid the kid might break a bone."

"Phil, focus," Nat said, watching the man click through her TV channels. "This is serious. How do we know what she's into? We don't know anything about her besides the fact she can blow shit up."

"We could always ask her these things," Phil said, cooly. "Maybe you and I could help her learn something new about herself."

Nat sighed before slumping into the seat next to Phil. "I just want Nakia to start evolving and acting like a regular kid. I don't need her to feel uncomfortable and slump back into her shell."

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