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Nakia Hargreeves was currently practicing her pirouettes in perfect form. She was in Vanya's room watching her practice her violin. Nakia suddenly grew bored, so she went to her room, and returned with a book on basic ballet skills. It was a gift from Five who had snuck out of the house and stumbled across books on balance and ballet.

She had lost control that morning day and set her father's office on fire. She had ended up in the basement for the rest of the day. When she returned to her room that night she found Five sitting in her room with five books in her hand.

"Hey," she whispered.

"Hey," he answered. "Found these, there for you."

"How did you -" she started

"Don't worry about it," he cut her off. "Thought it might be a way to stop getting you in trouble." He set the books on the bed and got ready to blink out.

Suddenly he felt an arm on his shoulder and he was quickly locked in a hug. He wrapped his arms around Nakia and pulled her closer.

"You're welcome," he whispered before he let go.

The books were meant to help keep her in check. Control her emotions and keep her calm. And it seemed to be doing the trick. With Luther and Allison ignoring her, Diego and Klaus's pranks, Five's gifts, and being with Ben and Vanya almost every moment of the day, she was extremely calm. Pogo's serene nature and his breathing exercises helped as well, with her father pushing her to stay calm.

"You're good at that," Vanya chuckled, setting her violin down.

"Thanks," she said as she stopped twirling. "Your pretty good yourself." She pointed to the violin.

"Why thank you," Vanya said, doing a curtsy.

Nakia laughed.

"You got the build for ballet," Nakia told her. "Try it."

"Why so I could fall on my butt," Vanya replied. "No thank you.

"Come on," Nakia pleaded. "It'll be fun!"

She held out her arm, which Vanya hesitantly grabbed it. She put her hands on Vanya's waist and got her in position.

"First you have to keep your ribs closed,"

"Ribs closed," Vanya repeated."Wait how do you do that?"

"Just keep your shoulders straight" Nakia replied.

Vanya straightened up, and Nakia told her to bend her knee. After a while, Nakia started to spin Vanya around by her waist. She started to laugh, and then Vanya's laughter followed. There was a warmth her brown hair brought to her features, a simple frame for that smile and eyes that held more love than she would ever admit to. The hue altered as the strands curled and moved, as free as autumn leaves playing in the sunshine. Her smile reminded Nakia of the glow of the sun.

Suddenly, Vanya tripped over her feet mid-twirl and went tumbling to the ground falling on her butt. Nakia chuckled to herself then held out her arm to a glaring Vanya.

"You're so light on feet," she told the ten-year-old.

"Uh huh," Vanya rolled her eyes.

She pulled Vanya up and dusted off her shoulders. Then she couldn't help it any longer.

She started laughing. Vanya noticed when she laughed her curls bounced. It was coiled, and frizzy after she danced, and twirled in perfection. Her hair was wild, and unkept, just like her. And gosh, her laugh was contagious. It sounded radiant, so it wasn't long before Vanya started to laugh as well.

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