Part 2. Chaos After School.

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(Y/N) POV.

??? : "(Ahem) My name is Hakos Baelz. Nice to meet ya, Senpai~"

Y/N : "Nice to meet you too?"

I looked towards principal Yagoo as he just read a few documents and drank his coffee.

Y/N : "Soo.. why am i here?"

Principal : "Oh, show her around. She's new here and why not have a guide to help her find the classrooms, and other places."

Y/N : "Why not the other students? Why me?"

Principal : "Well, she said she wants you specifically saying you're her friend or something."

I looked at the girl, which I'll just call Baelz or Bae, I looked at her dead in the eyes with my most "are you kidding me?" Look.

Y/N : "I've never met this person in my life."

Principal : "Well then, it doesn't matter. Get on with it, you don't have a girlfriend-"

I grabbed Baelz by the wrist as i ran outside the room with her as I slammed the door shut.

Principal : "-Yet.. youngsters these days."

Timeskip brought to you by principal Yagoo spilling his coffee all over his desk.

Y/N : "Why are you following me again?"

Baelz : "Well, sir. You're supposed to show me around aren't cha?"

Y/N : "First of all, don't call me sir. Second of all, I never met you in my life. Why did you say I'm a friend of yours to the principal?"

Baelz : "Isn't it me that's supposed to be the one that asks questions?"

Y/N : "Ugh.. fine. Come on, I'll show you around. School's over anyway so I got a lot of time."

Y/N : "And what's with the rat ears and tail? Are you sure you're not a cosplayer?"

Baelz : "No I'm no- Wait you can see them?"

Y/N : "What do you mean?"

Baelz : "Nothing. Anyway get on with the guide, tour guy!"

Baelz : 'This guy's definitely the one that Kronii talked about.. interesting.'

Another timeskip brought to you by Y/N showing Baelz around the school.

Y/N : "Finally, we have the roof top. This was more tiring than I thought."

I open the doors that lead to the rooftop as orange color filled the sky and the sun setting in the horizon. I leaned towards the door as Baelz walked outside and to the rooftop as she looked around.

Baelz : "Interesting.. this school has more stuff than I imagined. The view is great too!"

Y/N : "Glad you liked it. Now if you excuse me I'll go home now."

I walked down the stairs as I felt like bumbed into a wall but there was nothing infront of me. I held out my hand and I literally touched the air, it's solid.

Y/N : "What the-"

Baelz : "You did say you have a lot of time, no?"

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