Part 0. Prologue.

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Third POV.

In an area that's far away from any life form. A planet only inhabited by five individuals, formerly six. Those five individuals that were present are now ready to discuss the matter at hand while sitting each in their own seat. They are, The Council. They are a group of immortal entities that represent various aspects of the universe, may it be Nature, Space, Chaos, Time, or Civilization.

 They are a group of immortal entities that represent various aspects of the universe, may it be Nature, Space, Chaos, Time, or Civilization

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One stood up from their seat. She has a body like a child. She also has red hair with white and black streak. Her white shirt has the wording "R A T" in red with a pair of rat ears above those word, and 6 lines that resemble rat whiskers under it. The word were literal truth as she has a pair of rat ears on her head, and a rat tail behind her. She slams her curled up fist on the table as opens her mouth to speak. She is indeed, Hakos Baelz. The Concept of Chaos itself.

Baelz : "Answer me this, Kronii. How many times have you reset the timeline just to see if it's true or not."

Baelz finished her sentence as she looked towards someone she calls Kronii. She has dark blue hair with a chain, helicopter bla- i mean.. a headpiece that resembles a clock with three arms that represents seconds, minutes and hours above her head. The oh-so-amazing Warden of Time, Ouro Kronii.

Kronii : "Precisely.. 1,682,471 times."

Her answer shocked everyone. The Warden of Time itself, she is to prevent other entities from messing with the laws of time. Yet.. here she is. Messing around with the very thing she swore to protect and guard.

One stood up and looked at Kronii. Her blonde hair flows in the air with two twin tails with 3 sphere-like objects on each twin tail. A pink line of sorts on the top of her hair and going into a spiral at the end, acting like a limiter of sorts. Her voice itself shook the space around them as she spoke with frustration in her eyes. She is the Speaker of Space, Tsukumo Sana.

Sana : "Kronii, you do realize your actions lead to the destruction of the entire universe multiple times, You know that? The fact is, you rewind everything not once, twice, or thrice, but over a million and a half times!! This is absurd, Kronii. You need to stop this before it goes any worse."

Sana sighed as she stared at Kronii, opening her mouth again to say something but was quickly cut off by someone before she could even speak. That someone has brown hair with two pairs of feathers on her hair as well as a pony tail, a streak of black and white on some part of the tip on her bangs. Her amber eyes appear to be glowing yet not at the same time. A paper bag floating beside her with runic symbols appearing and disappearing around it. She is the Guardian of Civilization, Nanashi Mumei.

Mumei : "Sana, I know what Kronii did is wrong, but to do it 1,682,471 times.. she must be desperate. Please, let her speak her side of the story. She knows this the best out of all of us considering she went through all those resets."

Sana quickly looks at Mumei and the frustration in her eyes disappears. As Sana sat down with her eyes closed trying to calm herself, the last of the Council finally spoke. Her green hair is filled with flowers of some sort, as well as kirin antlers on her head and a golden apple with roots on her hand. Her yellow eyes shined as she spoke with a motherly tone that calmed down everyone in the room. She is the Keeper of Nature, Ceres Fauna.

Fauna : "I.. agree with Mumei. We should at the very least let Kronii speak her side of the story. It's only fair before we do anything reckless."

After Fauna finished speaking, Everyone started to reconsider and let Kronii speak. Baelz begrudgingly sat back down on her chair as she crossed her arms.

Kronii : "Thank you. Fauna, Mumei. Well.. but I can't really tell the exact reasons why i rewinded that many times.. but I can tell you that something... No. Someone. Are not meant to exist. I'm sure you'll understand soon. But I just can't bring myself to eliminate it.. in all those resets.. I just can't. You all tried to.. but in the end it just didn't work and everything got destroyed. But I'm determined to set everything right. Even if it takes a million or a billion rewinds. Even if they strip me from my title as the Warden of Time. I will set everything right for all of us including that person to be happy."

Her answer made everyone speechless as Baelz herself laughed uncontrollably. Mumei started to get lost in thoughts. Fauna smiling warmly. And Sana's bubbly personality came as she grins.

Baelz : "Pfft.. Hahahahaha!! Someone that even I, the Concept of Chaos failed to eliminate? That is quite interesting Kronii. I take back my words, i wanna meet this person and see what they're capable of!"

Mumei : 'Someone that even all of us failed to eliminate.. in all of those timelines..? Uh... What was the word again that i was gonna say again?'

Fauna : "I'm glad you're thinking about someone that is not yourself, Kronii. What I'm very surprised about is that person is not in the Council itself. I'm very surprised and intrigued"

Sana : "You're thinking of someone Kronini?? Do you have feelings for them?? Can we meet them??"

Kronii was surprised by their response, even more at Sana's questions. Kronii feels her face heats up a little bit as she broke eye contact and looked to the side as she stutters on some words.

Kronii "F-feelings..?! I-i don't know.. in many of those timelines me and him were only close friends..."

Baelz/Fauna/Mumei/Sana : "IT'S A HE?!?"

Sana : "Kronii! You have to introduce me to him!!"

Fauna : "Kronii interacting with mortals is rare, even more rare with a male at that.. interesting."

Baelz : "Bwaahahaha! Kronii interacting with a male?? This is even funnier than when Sana accidentally destroyed a planet!"

Sana : "Hey!"

Mumei : "What are we talking about again? I forgot..."

Hearing their response again, Kronii only grew more embarrassed as her face went red.

Kronii : "A-Anyway, meeting dismissed..!!"

Kronii quickly dismissed the meeting as she ran outside the meeting room. Her friends only laughed at this as one by one they all leave except for Baelz.

Baelz : "Interesting.. someone that all of us can't even stop... Now this makes it interesting."


Now... Let's begin, shall we?

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