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I'm already waiting for Briar by the time she walks in.

This might be the first time I've been early to a class, like, ever. I wanted to be sure that she didn't change her mind and sneakily sit somewhere else. Knowing her, it would be between two people so I had no option but to leave her alone. I don't know what it is about her, if it's the guilt or the fact that I want this plan to work, but I don't want to let her walk away.

I don't think I can.

She doesn't bother to look at me as she takes her usual seat. She doesn't even offer a good morning. Still, I have a small smile on my face as I study her profile. Her silky dark hair is pulled back to give me a good view, held up by colorful clips. So many different shapes and colors. It's kind of cute.

After seeing how hungry she was the other morning, I decided to take it upon myself to supply her with breakfast. If she doesn't punch me or throw it away, I would be completely fine with doing it every morning. Anything to make her slightly less cranky.

I lean down to fish out the food I brought from my bag, then deposit a bottled fruit juice and protein bar on her desk.

Her eyes fall onto it. Then, they narrow. "What's this?"

I shrug unconvincingly. "Grabbed extra."

She rolls her eyes but a few seconds later she cracks the lid of the drink. I allow myself a grin.

Professor Ardell strolls into class in a breezy fashion as he always does. Much like me, he's very laid-back, so I liked him immediately after our first day. For his course he seems to rely heavily on partner work, which I find myself appreciating. It forces Briar to talk to me. Well, sort of. She tries to keep her replies blunt and to a few words or less. Still, it's better than nothing.

"Good morning," our professor greets.

He gets a few grumbles in reply. Having a class this early means a lot of us are still half asleep. Briar included. She yawns for the second time since sitting down.

I lean over until our shoulders are pressed together. "You okay this morning?"

She shoves me away. "Don't ask me stupid questions."

I smile at her. She seems to think anything out of my mouth is stupid. "Then I couldn't ask you anything at all."

"I wish." She rolls her eyes and yawns again. "A girl can dream."

"Did you not sleep well last night?" I try again.

"I don't sleep well any night," she grumbles back. "I was studying pretty late."

"Studying this early in the semester?"

She keeps her eyes forward, watching as our professor signs into the computer up front. He pulls up a slideshow. She sits with her pen poised and at the ready.

She tells me, "I have my first quiz this week."

I sit back in my seat. "That's rough."

She shrugs. Then she starts jotting down the information for today. I didn't even bother getting out my notebook, but, I think better of it after watching how diligently Briar is taking notes. I should probably pull my weight if we're going to be partners this whole semester.

The slides don't take too long. Professor Ardell likes to keep his lectures and notes to a minimum, then lets us really digest the information through the assigned in-class work. He pulls up the questions and pages for the day and tells us to get to work.

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