In Defense of Kalos

Start from the beginning

Yang: Well that confirms what Professor Sycamore told us.

Ruby: Yeah, but why do this at all?

Lysandre: I have an announcment. We are here to remake the world. Into a place of pure beauty and peace! Team Flare's purpose is to transform our world into an exquisite example of creation!

A picture of the red Zygarde on top of Prism Tower is then shown as Lysandre keeps talking.

Lysandre: This Poke'mon's name is Zygarde: a Legendary Poke'mon who will preside over the new order of the Kalos region. So, as leaders of this new order, we have decided to join forces with this powerful guardian of creation. Zygarde is angry at the behavior of both people and Poke'mon.

(Y/n): Somehow, I highly doubt that.

Lysandre: The discipline of this world has been lost. Humanity is out of control. We have forgotten how to share! Without sharing, people begin to steal from each other. When that happens there is not enough for anyone!

Blake: I'd cop that to just plain human greed, than lack of sharing.

Lysandre: In order to live in peace without stealing, we must reduce the number of beings on this planet. Only the chosen ones will move into our bright, hopeful future! We of Team Flare, alongside with the fury of Zygarde, will be the ones who will make that judgement! The new order will do away with the chaos of the world and bring about the beautiful future we desire!

Yang: *amused* Pfft! He can't destroy the world.... *slight concern* can he?

Blake: Forcing your beliefs on others is wrong.

Weiss: Blake's right. We have to stop Team Flare at all costs, for everyone's freedom to choose.

(Y/n): Let's go. If the Zygarde is at Prism Tower, chances are, Lysandre is nearby.

Ruby: Let's beat these punks.

The group race for Prism Tower as quick as they can, but while dodging the destructive red vines and helping people out of jams, it's a little while till the group near Prism Tower.

Weiss: Is it just me, or are the vines getting thicker as we get closer?

Ruby: Team Flare are surrounding Prism Tower to make a fortress, so no one can see what they're up to inside.

Yang: That's great, but what about when Team Flare sick their red Zygarde on us?

(Y/n): I refuse to believe Zygarde would willingly partner with some misguided, yet dangerous people.

Blake: You mean Team Flare are controlling it somehow?

(Y/n): Probably, I've seen it done on far more powerful legendary poke'mon than Zygarde. We'll need to find whatever control the baddies are using and destroy it as well.

RWBY: Right!

The group finally reach near the bottom of Prism Tower and see a group of kids and two adults, one of them is Professor Sycamore, up against some Team Flare members.

(Y/n): All right. Five Flare's, five of us. Go.

Weiss: Snowflake, Blizzard!

Snowflake: *aggressive* Ninetales!

The bitterly cold wind freezes The Team Flare Poke'mon upon contact, this confuses everyone on the ground and causes them to look up.

Yang: Scorchimp, Mach Punch!

Blake: Spooky, Night Slash!

Ruby: Fenris, Flamethrower!

Weiss: Snowflake, Moon Blast!

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