Kiri " boys don't you have something to say to y/n" kiri had grabbed spider and pushed him to the front, as Tsyeria and Rotox pushed aonung then lastly neteyam pushing Lo'ak.

Tsyiea " excuse me boys I don't hear what your promised to say to y/n after yesterday"

Rotxo " yes our rather you have our father or moat dealing with this matter"

Y/n " what going on"

Neteyam " these four would love to say something to you about yesterday Lo'ak"

Lo'ak " we are sorry for our actions yesterday you had went into danger to save us"

Spider " we were being stupid and didn't think before going into the hunt, and without you it would of ended up badly for you"

Aonung " ....."

Rotxo " aonung"

Aonung " your amazing you have to teach me some of your moves" aonung had grabbed your hands and was smiling brightly at you.

Lo'ak " hey fish lips hands off my sister you are not her type"

Y/n " it okay and maybe someday I will show you some of my moves aonung and I accept your guys apology, but you all were in danger I could leave you all there"

Tsyeria " can we join you today"

Y/n " yes you can and it seems like Tuk has made friends with Yaimi already" you had turned around pointing as everyone saw Yaimi helping Tuk with something, the girl had looked happily at Yaimi. You soon walked to the duo being followed by kiri and Tsyeria.

Tuk " that was so cool yaimi"

Yaimi " thanks Tuk"

Y/n " what are you doing with my baby sister"

Tuk " he was showing me some beautiful flower and telling me their meanings"

Kiri " I didn't take you as the flower type yaimi, you look and act like a warrior I never thought you had this in you"

Yaimi " thank you Kiri but this is something I leaned when I was growing up from my grandmother, and so did y/n as well"

Y/n " oh yes I remember those days they were so fun and lovely"

Kiri " what do you use these flowers for anyways"

Y/n " medicine, decorations, and accessories"

Yaimi " during festivals the females of the clan would have them in their hair, it would make them look beautiful as we celebrate all night"

Tsyeria " umm I hope this not rude but I have a question for you y/n"

Y/n " sure ask awya tsyeria"

Tseryia " do you have a mate or boyfriend seeing that you are older then me but near the same age, as your older siblings"

Y/n " no I don't have a mate yet tsyeria but I can chose a boy to whom I will want to join a courtship with if one asks me"

Kiri " well if it makes you feel better I and neteyam are single as well, our loves lives are dead"

Tsyeria " I don't know about mines I thought I had something with loak but, thanks to my mom it seems ... gone"

Yaimi " if you love someone you should find ways to bring yourself closer to them, and when the time right confess your feelings and see the outcome"

Kiri " so tell us Yaimi who are you in love with"

Yaimi "that my secret kiri"

Kiri " no fair"

???? " hey can we join you all" the group soon looked up and saw Lo'ak was glaring at Yaimi trying to size him up,making Yaimi laugh under his breath and he soon stood up towering over Lo'ak.

Lo'ak " I didn't know you were that tall"

Yaimi " I'm the same height as neteyam I just grew bit taller since I last saw you all"

Neteyam " so you are warrior like me I can tell by the way you are standing and your jewelry"

Yaimi " yes I'm I have heard your are good at archery maybe we should go out sometime and do some archery"

Neteyam " I would love that"

Yaimi " good maybe we can make a friendship out of this as future leaders of our clans"

Neteyam " I will love that we will need peace between our clans in the future that was not involved my father and your ... "

Yaimi " my grandfather"

Aonung " hey I want to get on this deal as well if you don't mind"

Yaimi " the more the merrier aonung"

Lo'ak " speak of father where is your father should be he taking the title before your or your uncle as then being the oldest"

Lo'ak " your mother or would she be future tshaik after you grandmother" you had looked up at Yaimi soon had a smile that was now gone, he was soon looking at Lo'ak.

Yaimi " we don't speak about my father to a topic everyone avoids for my mother sake"

Lo'ak " oh bro I'm sorry I didn't mean to"

Yaimi " it okay forget about it" Lo'ak had gotten smack on the shoulder by neteyam and soon by Tsyeria. You were able to fix the day by playing a game with everyone that soon made everyone cheerful again.

That night

Y/n " may I join you" you had found Yaimi sitting on branch alone he soon noticed you and smiled at you, he soon pat his hand on open spot for you to sit with him.

Yaimi " you came to check up on me didn't you"

Y/n " yes I did ... I'm sorry about my bother he ..."

Yaimi " it okay I under he didn't know none of them know expect the clan, your grandmother, and you ... it has been hard"

Y/n " yeah we both have issues"

Yaimi " yes issues with our father"

Y/n " so how seeing him this time around was it good or bad"

Yaimi "....."

Y/n " still the same i see"

Yaimi " yes"

Y/n " just because he your father you are nothing like him, even due you can do what him and his clan can do ... you have been raised differently"

Yaimi " thanks y/n and I cam say the same about you and Jake sully" you soon giggle at Yaimi comments as he moves his feet closer to the fire not caring about the heat. He soon closed his eyes and once he open them again they had become a blood red color verse the golden color they were, the both of you soon laughed.

Yaimi " you know he like you and think you are perfect for me"

Y/n " here i thought he hated me well look like the lucky"

Yaimi " yeah and you dad wants me far away from you but I'm not going anywhere" Yaimi soon good up as reached out a arm toward you, and you soon took it getting back onto your feet. The two of you soon retuned to your home and Yaimi had spent the night, which was setting off bad alarms in jake head as he watched but someone else knew this was a  good sign.

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