"Is it because it's morning, or is it for me to take care of?"

"Stop talking and focus on what you are doing."

"Answer me. Is it because it's morning or is it for me?"

He stopped moving and just held me. It was the most frustrating feeling ever.

"It for you! It's because I want you too. Now, please, enough with the teasing."

He went up on his knees and was kneeling between my legs. The hand that was working on my member was keeping a rhythm that was driving me mad.

I felt the knot build up in the depth of my stomach, and I knew I was about to come.

"Yibo...Yibo...Ahh. I am going to come"

"Go ahead!"

His voice sounded like a command, and my body submitted to it.

I was lying there trying to catch my breath after coming. And I was taken aback by Yibo.

"Ag, dammit! Your room does not have condoms or lubricant. How the hell am I going to continue?"

"You can just go get them. I am not going anywhere, I will wait."

"I can't go to my room."

He was looking less horny and more guilty.

"Why can't you go? It's less than 20 steps from here.


"Yibo, don't tell me you lied about your brother having left already!"


"You better answer if you know what's good for you."

"I didn't lie, I just don't know if he left or not. I slept here next to you. I was dead asleep until you touched my face. So I don't know if he is here or not."

"So why did you say he was gone?"

"Because I didn't want you to say no. I was too turned on, and when you kissed me, it was over for the self-control I had left. Not that I have any when it comes to you."

"Yibo, that's still lying, and for your punishment, you are going to handle that very painfully, looking hard on all by yourself."

"What, no. I helped you with yours."

"You made me that way. That is called taking responsibility. You can use my bathroom."

"Can you watch me? I think it will be quicker that way."

"No thanks, that's way too much. Why are you even acting like this so early in the morning. Am I dating a sex addict?"

"OK, I will go to the bathroom."

I quickly got up and grabbed my earphones. I did not want to hear anything.

After a while, he came out looking very unhappy.

"Just so you know, that was savage. From one guy to another, you know how savage that was. You made me jerk off with you right here."

"You deserved it, I hope you remember the feeling next time you want to lie to me.  Stop sulking, and let's get ready for the day."

"Are we going to shower together?"

"No, you are going back to your room and get ready there, and I am going to get ready here. When I am done, I will come make breakfast."

I had to push him out of the room so he could leave.

After he left, I realized how hungry I was. Skipping dinner was a bad idea.
I took a quick shower and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

To my horror, Xian hadn't left the apartment. He was sitting on the couch working. I felt my breath catch in my throat, remembering how loud my moans were.

"Good morning."

"A very good morning to you too."

He always has this weird smile on his face. I can not place it, I would say it's almost a mix of creepy and amused. His face tells me he heard me but won't ask about it.

"I hope you are rested from all the traveling from yesterday."

"Yes, I am. Thanks for asking. I wish my rest could continue, but I need to work."

"You do that, I will get breakfast ready."

"Thank you."


"Are you going to get that, or are we pretending no one is home?"

"I will get it, I just don't want to talk to the person on the other side of the door."

"OK, then let me get it."

"I don't think you want to get it either if you want your presence to remain a secret."

"That's fine. I can handle myself."

He stood up and headed towards the door.

"Do I need to smash the door down before being let in?....oh, sorry, Xian ge. I didn't know you were around."

"You don't have to pretend with me, Yibo is not here. He is the only one who does not know how much of a bitch you are. So I am not even shocked that you act like you own this place. Come on in, we are about to have breakfast."

"I am not staying. I am here to pick up Yibo for our picnic date."

"Really, how interesting. You will have to wait a bit because he is showering."

She walked towards me.

"Oh, still working hard in the kitchen, it feels like every time I come here, you are making an unnecessary volume of food."

"Huiying no one cares about your opinions here. This house has 3 grown men living in it, so how is that an unnecessary amount of food, that just proves that you dont know how to cook?"

It seems Xian also has a strong dislike for Huiying. I like it, actually.

"I am just mentioning what see. Anyway, Yibo won't be around to eat, so enjoy."

"I doubt he is going anywhere with you, not because it's you, but because he is studying. And as his elder, I forbid him to leave his books and go out with the likes of you. Oh, I guess it is because it's you, after all."

Yibo came out from his room already looking annoyed.

"What now, are you back to burn more things?"

"Wow, Yibo, when did you start treating me like an unwanted guest? We have a picnic date today, remember? I am not here to disturb anything."

"That's today? I totally forgot about it. I don't think I can go today."

"Has that not been the only response I get from you these days, 'not now', 'later' oh and 'I would love to but I can't right now'. It seems all your time is taken up by this apartment."

I just kept cooking like nothing was going on. I couldn't even tell you what she was wearing because I didn't spare her a glance.

When I did look at Yibo, he was looking at Xian, who was shaking his head. Then suddenly, things changed.

"I am sorry you feel that way. You know what, let's go. It would be a good way for me to rest my brain."

I felt like I was punched in the stomach and I unintentionally dropped the salad bowl and scattered the contents everywhere.

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