interview #9 Christmas Prompt Contest 2023 winner @AdmiralFisher

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@Admiral Fisher, A Christmas Romance 

placement: Christmas Hottest Pick 2023


1 What is the title of your story? and what inspired the title?

 A Christmas Romance. I don't really know what inspired the title. I guess it just fits.

2 What is your story about?

 It is about a young couple that are kicked out of their home and forced to make their own Christmas. 

3 Is the Christmas prompt contest, the first contest you entered?

I entered all of them. The gingerbread house, opening presents on Christmas morning, shopping in a mall, and a holiday tradition.

4 What was your reaction to discovering you were one of the winners?

I honestly didn't expect to win. So, I am not sure.

 What is your favorite holiday activity?

Opening presents with my mom and dad. 

do you have any future plans with the story you entered? (standalone novel/series)

It is a stand-alone series.

7 What's a good piece of advice to give someone, who desires to enter a contest?

I would say don't expect to win, but be gracious when you do.

What is the most important piece of a story?

The cover |quality of the story| type of story

The most important piece of a story is the hook. If you don't have an engaging hook you don't have a readership.

How does being a part of the Wattpad community help you as writer?

 I think it gives me more exposure for my blog and it allows me to network.

10 What genre of story attracts you as a reader?

 Sci-Fi. I like reading about new worlds.

11 What's a good piece of writing advice, that you've learned?

My advice to new writers is don't compare yourself to others. It takes time to become successful

12 Do you believe contest and interview platforms help you as a writer?

 It does. I think it is cool. I can't put it into words.

13 Since joining Wattpad, do you believe you've become a better writer?

yes. I can't put it into words.

14 What is a must have item for you to enjoy the holiday season?

For me, the holidays aren't about items. They are about people. Without those people, there are no holidays. I would have to say my mother is a must-have person for the holidays.

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