interview #7 Fall Prompt Contest winner @ethelwrite

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story: Solitude| A walk in the woods

placement:  Fall 2023 Favorite

1 What is the title of your story? and what inspired the title?

The title is: Solitude | A walk in the woods. The title was inspired by the feeling of walking alone in the middle of nature, getting to know yourself and understanding who we are when we're not under the eyes of the rest of the world.

2 What is your story about?

About having the time and the opportunity to figure ourselves out. Many of us are focused on a definition of success that might not fit us. The protagonist gets to take some time off to figure herself out in the midst of nature, and the coziness of fall. There, she realizes there's life outside of the big cities and corporate life.

3 Is the fall prompt contest, the first contest you entered?

I'm not sure because I do not keep track, but it surely was one of the firsts. I think it might be the first or second.

4 What was your reaction to discovering you were one of the winners?

 I spent a few days in the hospital, so I literally just realized that I'm one of the winners as I read this question. This is amazing! I'm so happy and thankful for this, and very proud of myself lol. 

5 What is your favorite fall activity?

In my country, Fall is not really all that cold. But it's still the perfect season for a cup of tea, a scented candle and some reading. 

6 do you have any future plans with the story you entered? (standalone novel/series)

 Not at the moment, I'm very happy with how it turned out and I feel I don't have more to add to it at the moment.

7 What's a good piece of advice to give someone, who desires to enter a contest?

 Do it! I entered for fun and through the influence of a friend (coincidently, JankyFluffly, the other winner). It was very helpful to test my skills and to write something different from what I'm used to.

8  What is the most important piece of a story?

The cover |quality of the story| type of story

 While I see the importance of the cover to bring the reader in, I think the quality of the story is what matters the most. If you cannot relate to the character (or care about what happens to them), the cover might bring you in, but it'll not keep you there.

9 How does being a part of the Wattpad community help you as writer?

It's 80% of my drive to write. I'm meeting amazing people through writing in Wattpad. The comments from other authors and the friendship is what gets me posting when I lack motivation or when I doubt myself. 

10 What genre of story attracts you as a reader?

I like fictional stories that are focused on the character. When the writer is able to bring me to another world and the character feel like people I know and care about, that is when I have the most fun reading.

11 What's a good piece of writing advice, that you've learned?

Let the story show you where it needs to end. Sometimes we have a fixed idea in our minds, but when we write and the situations develop, we see that the end that we envisioned won't make sense with the rest of the story. So we need to be humble to understand that the story grew past us - and respect it enough to work around it, to polish so it has the best possible ending. 

12 Do you believe contest and interview platforms help you as a writer?

 Sure! A lot of people that never heard of me read and will read my story thanks to your contest.

13 Since joining Wattpad, do you believe you've become a better writer?

 Yes! I've been more consistent with my practice, more motivated and received amazing constructive advice. 

14  What is a must have item for you to enjoy for the fall?

A steaming cup of Brazilian cappuccino. I feel my heart warming just to think about it.

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