But just as I accelerated more, something big dropped on the roof of my car and I shrieked.


I tried to steady my hands and return my car back to the road from where it had gone off course due to my fright.

You'd think I'd come to a stop to check what that was, but nope. I've seen enough horror movies to know that this is where you run faster - or in my case, drive faster.

Screeching noises that sounded like metal being scrapped came from the top of my car. Something was up there, and from the sound of it, it had claws.

Let's see, how do you get something to fall off the top of your car?

Oh, I don't know. In action movies, they usually drift to throw the person off balance, but I don't know how to fucking drift.

While I was freaking out trying to figure out what to do, my music just kept playing loudly, not helping my situation.

'Yeah, reckless behavior. A place that is so pure, so dirty and raw. In the bed all day, bed all day, bed all day...'

"I'd very much like to be in my fucking bed right now!" I yelled; the shadow of the trees making my anxiety worse.

I heard another howl, and then something big ran into my car from the side, tumbling it upside down.

A loud ringing was going on in my ear and I couldn't tell where I was or what was happening. As the ringing died down, several snarls and growls could be heard coming from around me.

Oh boy, I'm so fucked.

Pit pat. Pit pat. The rain slowly fell onto the car and down to my face, making it hard to distinguish if my skin was wet from water, or from blood.

"It's her for sure. She smells so delicious," A voice husky male voice said.

A human? Wasn't I surrounded by wolves just a minute ago? No, I still am surrounded by them. I could hear their snarls ever so close to my ears.

The foul odor permeating the air was enough to make me nauseous.

A hand wrenched me in a rough manner, pulling me completely out of the car. The throbbing pain in my head worsened from the sensation.

"Wow, she's good-looking too. We should give her over to the boss, he did say he liked her smell," another voice said.

What in the world is happening? Are these wolves or are these people? It was hard to tell anything apart from my blurred gaze. The rain was falling straight into my eyes and I couldn't wipe it off.

I felt something wet and slimy slide up my skin.

"She tastes really fucking good too," someone said.

Did they just lick me? What in the hell? I felt disgusted, and my stomach churned. But I was too weak to pull away, I could only hang limp in their hands; completely at their mercy.

Just then, a loud roar resonated through the forest. It was so strong that the very earth shook beneath me. It didn't even sound like one of the wolves, it sounded like a straight-up beast.

A beast in extreme anger.

Whimpers and wails came from the creatures around me. The wolves sounded scared and even the people holding me were trembling.

"What the flying fuck is a lycan doing here? They don't live around this territory?!" One of them said in a panicked shaky voice

"Hell if I know man! We have to get out of here fast or we're all dead!"

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