Chapter Three

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It has been two months since Ramiez went into a coma. The doctor has been updating Lim. After all the company is owned by my brother. Lim and I have been busy keeping greedy hands away from the company. Brother has been hiding too many dangers from me. It has only been two months since I started to cover him, and I have faced countless attempts for my life. Through that, I found that Ramiez had a special group of bodyguards protecting me from the shadows. I wish that he was here and telling me all this in person. I guess I was meant to find this out this way.

"Amelia, the doctor just called, saying that your brother might be waking up soon. Do you want to go and meet him?" Lim asked me softly.

I shake my head,

"I cannot go. Lim this is the proposal that my brother was working hard on, we are at the last part of it, we cannot back out now. Brother will be fine. He has a reunion waiting for him. He is not alone. He will not miss me," I smiled softly.

"But Amelia..." he started

"No Lim. Let's complete my brother's plan first. It will be his biggest birthday gift," I smiled at Lim. He sighed softly then smiled.

We had meeting after meeting to ensure that the plan was perfect.

I yawned as I left the meeting room. My stomach started to hurt again. I winced softly, I cannot fall now. I need to finish this.

"It has been days since you ate, I will get someone to buy porridge, it will be light on your stomach," Lim whispers.

"No need to waste time on that. Let's send an email to our branch informing them that in the next few days, we will be doing a check on them. But prepare to leave for the branch now" I order Lim. He looks at me with worry.

"This is why I did not want her to know that she is the deputy CEO," a rough voice was heard from behind us. Turning around, I stay frozen in shock.

"Sir!" Lim and the other staff shouted in joy. While I just stared at him. Ramiez was standing there in a shirt and pants looking slightly weak but his aura was strong and confident.

"Lim, why did you tell my sister about this?" Ramiez glared at Lim, making him tremble.

"It was not his fault. I forced him to tell me. And if I had not stepped in, we would have lost the company," I speak softly to my brother yet not taking a step towards him.

"Rami, who is that girl? She was there the night of the accident and now she is here. She is speaking rudely to you," a new voice came behind Ramiez. Taking a look I noticed that the four brothers were there as well.

"If you are smart enough you will know who she is," Ramiez glared at his brother.

"Ms Amelia! We have a problem!" Someone shouted as the sound of hurried footsteps filled the hallway. I heard the sound of people sucking in their breaths as I turned around to see, Jonathan running towards me.

"Jonathan stops running," I tell him.

"Ms. Amelia, someone stole our cargo of materials for our fashion department," he gasped.

"Have you found out who it was?" I look at him.

He shakes his head.

"Lim!" my brother and I called him at the same time. He looks at both of us confused.

"No, you go back to the hospital and recover fully. I can handle things here," I glare at my brother.

"No. If I don't step in now, you are going to end up in the hospital bed next to me," Ramiez glared at me.

"Ramiez, I am in better shape than you to handle this. Please rest first, I promise you that I will take care of myself," I look at him pleadingly. I want him to recover first. I saw his emotion faltering.

"Fine, I will go back to rest, but I am leaving Austin here to help you," he tapped on his brother's shoulder.

"Make sure she eats and sleeps. Austin, she only eats homecooked food and it has to be cooked by me or herself. I am sure you can cook food for her," Ramiez glared at the guy.

"Yeah, stop nagging and go back. I know how to care for my siblings better than you" the guy glared back. I was taken aback. No one dares to be rude to my older brother. But this guy is fearless.

Ramiez and the group left leaving the Austin guy behind.

"Lim, find out who stole the cargo. Put our back up plan in motion. I want no delay in our plans. Fire the ones who leaked the information, ensure they cannot get job elsewhere" I ordered him as we made our way back to the office.

I ruffled through my bag and took out my bottle of pills for my gastric. I popped the pill into my mouth, hearing someone gasped.

"Did you just take a pill on empty stomach?" Austin asked me worried.

I just nod.

"Amelia, who taught you that?" he looks at me angrily.

"No one," I muttered.

"Come on, we are going to get something light to eat" he pulled me by my arm. I could not resist it. Like my body is following his command

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