Joker smiles

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(Hello! Sorry for the wait again but this is gonna be the final chapter of this story, again I might write another one I'm not sure yet but enjoy!)

POV by joker:

I was sitting on the couch in the living room area inside of my hideout. Harley, Ivy and chara sat on chairs near the tv. 'Oh yeah, charas back, harley went to break them out' I thought as I stared at them.

They saw me and smiled back. I turned back to the tv which was just playing some random commercial. I then remembered something, "oh shoot! I almost forgot, I was gonna go on a picnic date with batsy!" I exclaimed turning over to Harley and Ivy.

Ivy rolled her eyes at me but smiled, "you've been going over to his house for days now" "I'm surprised you forgot" she stated crossing her arms. Harley giggled and smiled back at me. "Go ahead and get ready then j!" "We'll be here just relaxing for today" she said happily, I smiled at her.

"Thanks girl buddy! See ya guys" I said standing up and rushing over to grab my coat. Chara turned to me, "alright, see ya! Have fun" they exclaimed back, as I opened the door and quickly ran out. 'Jeez, I'm gonna be late!' I thought as I quickly ran out and to my car.

POV by batman:

I was speeding through the streets of gotham city in my batmobile. 'I kinda forgot to tell joker I would be picking him up' hopefully he's still there' I thought as I drove towards his hideout. 'That stupid song is still stuck in my head!' I thought annoyed as I got closer to his place.

I turned to the passenger side of my batmobile and looked at the small black case on the seat. I smiled softly at it, breathing deeply. 'Okay..I can do this! We've known each other for years now and we started dating months ago..' I thought nervously, as I only half paid attention to the road.

I then almost crashed into a police car when I was lost in thought. "Oh crud.." I said softly Out loud as I stopped just in time. The police car stopped and so I did as well. I then saw someone open the door and walk out, 'great! I'm gonna be late..' I thought annoyed.

Then I realized that the police officer was none other than commissioner Gordon. "Babs!" I exclaimed happily, smiling at her. She smiled back, as I rolled down my window. "I'm so sorry-" I started to say but she interrupted me, "it's fine batman, you stopped before you could have crashed into me" she said smiling at me gratefully.

I sighed in relief and nodded to her. "Yeah...I was just lost in my thoughts" I told her truthfully. She nodded, "yeah I get like that too" "say where are you heading off to?" She asked me, tilting her head at me. "Oh, I'm going over to joker's" "picking him up so then we can go on a date" I told her, nervously messing with the stirring wheel.

She rolled her eyes playfully and nodded, "of course" "well, have fun!" She said walking away but I quickly stopped her, "wait! Umm...I need your advice on something.." I said awkwardly, she saw my nervousness and smiled smugly.

"Whatever could it be, I wonder? What makes the Batman so nervous?" She questioned, I rolled my eyes at her. "Look, I wanna...uh purpose to him.." I said nervously as I pulled out the black case and opened the emerald ring. She looked at it stunned, "wow.." "I'm surprised! You're not one to be committed like that" she said smirking at me.

I rolled my eyes again and waved a hand dismissively. "Yeah, I know..." "he just makes me feel good.." I said softly looking down at the ring. I sighed and closed it, "do you think I should?" I asked her, she smiled and nodded. "Sure, I don't see why not" "it would be absolutely crazy if he said no" she said chuckling softly.

I smiled back at her and nodded, "yeah.." "okay, I'll do it" I said a determined look on my face. "Nice! You got this, batman" she said smiling happily at me. "Thanks babs" I said back to her, "no problem, batman" she said softly before walking away. She got back into her police car and drove away.

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