Never ever getting rid of me

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(Hello again! Next part is here now, title is based on a song if you know it awesome if you don't it's okay it doesn't matter)
POV by joker
It was a another dark night in gotham city, though the darkest of nights were always the
brightest due to the moon.

I was gonna blow up a whole bunch of abandoned buildings. There was at least five in a row that were completely decomposed. I walked inside of each to make sure.

Once I set up all the bombs, I made my way to the top of the first building. I was waiting for batsy to arrive to try and stop me. I rolled the balls of my legs as I waited.

It took a couple of hours, but he arrived. He grappled onto the building I was on. He growled at me when he landed. I smirked at him mischievously back.

"What are you doing this time, joker?" He asked me, glaring daggers at me. I chuckled then walked over to him. "I've set up several bombs in these...five abandoned buildings" I tell him looking around at the other buildings.

He growled again, then grabbed his grapple gun and went inside of the first building. He was on the top floor so he would have to go down a lot of stairs to get to the bomb. Which I always put at the bottom, probably for this exact reason.

I chuckled again, as I got into my helicopter. I had my goons fly me away a safe distance. I laughed evilly and then I pushed the button of the detonator. When I did however, the first building did not explode. I growled in annoyance.

I then saw batman grapple to the next building. He must have diffused the bomb! I grabbed my other detonators and started to push the buttons. The second one, didn't explode. The third one, didn't explode and the fourth....didn't explode.

I growled, then told my goons to bring me to the fifth building. They did, landing the helicopter on top of the building. That's when Batman grappled to the fifth building.

'That's it! I'm not letting him diffuse this one too!' I thought as I was about to push the button. Right when I was gonna, batman grabbed it from my hand. I fell on my back onto the hard rumble of the building.

Batman destroyed my last detonator, turning to me glaring again. I glared back and stuck out my tongue. I got up from the ground and ran to the helicopter. I had them fly us into the air, I smiled smugly down at batman.

"See ya, next time b-" I yelled down to him but then I fell off the side of the helicopter. I screamed as I continued to fall. I thought my goons would have tried to help me, but they didn't. I kept falling as those idiots stayed inside of the helicopter!

As I fell to my supposed death, I thought about how I hoped that I would be Batman's greatest enemy, hoped that i would have gone down as the greatest villain of all time, that I would finally win for once- but then I felt something grab me, that's when I opened my eyes and saw that it was batman.

He was holding onto me and he had his grapple gun in hand. I decided without hesitation to hold onto him too, so I wouldn't fall. I looked up into his bright blue eyes in wonder. They were basically glowing! They were beautiful...

We then landed on top of that fifth building. I groaned as he put me down gently. I looked up at him again, he looked different somehow. I couldn't describe it, but something was different. He looked back at me, he seemed annoyed.

"You okay?" He asked me, only partly annoyed. I nodded simply, still looking up at him in awe. Batman then went to grab handcuffs when my helicopter came down.

I got up from the ground, still looking at batman. As I jumped into the helicopter, I turned around one last time. I looked at batman again, this time I could tell what was on his face, what was different. 'He cared about me' I thought in surprise.

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