Joker's Tide

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(Hello! If you get the titles reference, yay!! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter)

POV by batman:

Me and Robin quickly made it into gotham city square. Where we realized that this situation was a little too much, even for us. It was like the phantom zone all over again!

We stood in the middle of the square, seeing a bunch of people covered in green/bluish goo, going after people like they were zombies! Robin turned towards me, he looked scared.

"It's gonna be alright, Robin" I reassured him but I think some of it was for myself as well. I turned back to the crowd, quickly running over to fight off the zombies. I kicked a couple to the ground, turning towards the normal people behind me. "Oh thank you batman!" One of them cheered, I smiled at them.

"Yeah, it's no problem-" I started to say but was cut off by the zombies all attacking me. I tried to fight back but there were too many of them! Every-time I tried to kick one down, they would just come back!

Robin went up to me and helped me fight them off but even with our combined strength, we couldn't keep them away! "Uh, Padre...this doesn't look good" Robin said nervously as we continued to try and keep these creatures at bay.

"Don't worry, Robin! Just make sure they don't attack any citizens!" I yelled over to him as I kicked one down. Then, all of a sudden on the huge screens around the city, some news channel turned on. The news lady stood in front of the camera, "breaking news, it seems gotham city is being attacked by what appears to be zombies" she said nervously looking at the script.

"No one seems to be able to fight back against these zombies....huh, maybe it's because there made of goo that make them under my control?" She said, tilting her head and now smiling. I looked at her confused as I continued to fight off the zombies. She then turned into something else.....Chara the shapeshifter.

They laughed hysterically, as the news crew gasped. "Take over the camera, goo zombie" they said smiling smugly behind the camera. "AH!" The news crew screamed as they were pushed aside and a new set of hands took over.

"Great! Now, you all are probably wondering who I am?" "I'm sure you've heard of chara priece, the shapeshifter and magician right?" They asked the camera curiously. "Well, that isn't exactly ME" they said, their voice changing completely and their eyes glowing white.

I tilted my head confused, as I watched the screen and fought the zombies. "I am not chara, I am someone that doesn't have a name....I am something that is WRONG or at least to you people" they said glaring at the camera. "But don't worry, soon the only people to be running this city will be the FREAKS!" They exclaimed, laughing hysterically again.

My eyes widened, I quickly fought off another zombie then turned to Robin. "Robin! We have to head to Chara- or whatever that thing is! It looks like their at the energy plant" I said looking up at the screen and seeing the energy plant in the background.

Chara or whatever that thing was clearly remembered or just knew about the energy plant being where Joker tried to destroy the city. Robin nodded determinedly to me, we both grappled away. "Get to safety, citizens!" I yelled down to the people below.

The zombies still chasing them around, I sighed. Robin looked at me nervously, "what are these things?" He asked me pointing to the zombies. I shook my head, "I have no idea, but I'm sure we will when we get to chara" I said staring straight ahead seriously.

POV by joker:

I went back to my hideout, smiling happily. I opened the door and walked inside. "Hey guys! Guess what, you're not gonna believe-" I started but then I realized that no one was there. Not in the living room or the kitchen.

Bright blue eyes (batjokes)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن