day 02

13 1 13


LOG ->

Ah, today was funn

So first thing in the morning, my friend and I woke up at 6 am and brushed our teeth and prepped for taking showers and stuff. After we showered, we went to both of our rooms and gathered all the stuff we needed for the day and then went downstairs together. Then we made the 1 mile trek (it's actually a mile lo, g I'm not exaggerating) to eat breakfast, we went to the courtyard and had chant wars.

So basically, our group leaders taught us chants and stuff that diss other groups (for example, the ciphers and mic drop are diss tracks that hate on haters, and the diss chants we had hate on other nests. And obviously, my nest won.

Then we all drew ourselves on notecards (mine was an extremely terrible drawing) and wrote 3 facts about ourselves on the note card. Then we crumpled the cards into balls and threw them, and then everyone ran and picked up a note card. We had to match the note cards to the persowhoat made it.

There are 60 people here

We failed. Miserably.

It's ok, y though :)

After the courtyard stuff, we went to our first guest lecturer. He talked about how our decisions today affect our future and the future of the generation after.

Then we went to a class talking about how to make SMART goals. SMART stands for
- Specific: is the goal clear and defined? Do you know how to achieve it?
- Measurable: Howow much? How many? When will it be complete?
- Achievable: Your goals should push you beyond your limits, but they should still be possible to complete. They should be realistic (being a billionaire at 20 years old is NOT gonna work put 9/10 times). Ask yourself: Howow can I accomplish this goal? How realistic is the goal considering the restraints and responsibilities
- Relevant: does the goal matter to you? Does it tie in with other goals you have? Is it the right time for that goal?
- Timely: does the goal have a timeline? If so, what is the timeline? What is the time to focus on the goal and what isn't?

Ask yourself these questions and think about this when making goals!

For larger goals, work backwards. Break it down into manageable chunks and acknowledge milestones and accomplishments, because they are worth celebrating.

Next we went to a lecture on resume building. Honestly.  Was confused on that one so I can't really say anything on it. I'm sorry guys :( I wasn't paying attention T_T

Next presentation was on school-life balance. We learned about organizing our schedules to fix blocks of time for school and personal time between class schedules. We also learned to use planners to write down assignments so that we can track what we have and have not done. Also, set priorities. If one club is more important than another, and their meetings are on the same day, choose the club that means more to you. Concentrate your efforts and focus on activities you are passionate about. Try not to bring on burnout (mental and emotional exhaustion) because you overloaded.

Then we had a class on standardized testing. This is not applicable to all countries so I'm not really gonna explain it. If you're interesting in know that info, DM me and I'll share my notes with you.

Finally, we had a class on bow to learn. To memorize, use a software that does spaced repetition. These softwares will help you remember what you need to know. Then, do practice questions. You'll understand what you know and what you don't. After that, try to explain concepts in a way that a 5 year old can understand it, whether the topic is quantum physics or basic English grammar. After that, once you have learned and memorized all concepts and vocabulary, take practice tests. If you practice concepts and learn how to answer questions using the knowledge you've gained, you can ace any tests you have on the subject.

(Sometime between the lectures we had lunch. Just saying)

Then we had 2 hours of game time. I played uno, played volleyball, read webtoons, played foosball, and ate smores. It was so fun! I had a great time.

Anyways. After, I changed and put my shirt in the laundry cuz I have to wear it every day so I have to put it in the laundry every night. And then I called Mt mom. Then I showered. Then I attempted to do homework. And failed. And watched bts bon voyage until like 00:50. No regrets, honestly. I'm tired as heck right now but it's so worth it.

Anyways. Time to go shower~



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