Part 1: The Guardian of Thasestia, Chapter 1

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"Diana? Where the hell are you? DIANA!" I bit my lip as I peeked around the corner to watch an annoyed Arryn try to find me.

Obviously, she will fail. She's the last person anyone would ask if they wanted to find something. 

Or someone. 

Finally, I took pity on her.

Crouching, I snuck up on her. When I got within a foot of her, I grabbed her from behind. She screeched.

"Diana, let go of me!" Arryn thrashed around in my arms, fighting desperately to escape.

"Nuh-uh. I have a score to settle with you." I grinned at Arryn's fear-coated scent. "Remember the time when you dyed my hair violet?" Arryn swallowed, but her eyes glinted. "Remember the time when I got revenge on you?"

"You never got revenge on me," Arryn scoffed. "Besides, you looked amazing!"

"I always look amazing," I claimed, "and think again," I whispered, before carrying her to the bathing chambers. Arryn desperately tried for purchase, grabbing onto doorways and clawing at the walls(and my face). Mercifully, she stopped after a while and accepted her fate. Her defeat.

I dropped her in the tub filled with water. Arryn yelped. "This is so cold!" She complained.

"Sorry," I said, not sounding sorry at all. "I never wanted it to be warm anyway," I said, rolling my eyes. "Now, dunk your head or I'll do it for you." Arryn braced herself and shoved her head underwater, biting her lip and wincing at the cold. Though her body was adapted to the cold, she could also feel the cold.

I grabbed a concoction of shampoo mixed with pink dye. I poured the whole thing into her hair and spread it evenly, making sure to not miss a single strand. Once I finished I dunked her head in the water before pulling it out. I chanted a small spell to keep her hair pink for the rest of the week, then hauled her out of the tub.

"I-I'm c-c-cold!" Arryn said, teeth chattering. I laughed and dragged her outside into the sun. Since we live in a forest near the mountains, however...


"Okay, okay, I'll take you inside. No need to growl about it," I said. She bared her teeth at me, revealing her elongated canines. 

"I am so going to rip your throat out."

"Aww," I pouted, sticking out my lower lip. "I still had fun things planned for us!"

"Like what," she growled.

"I was thinking maybe we could go hunt wendigos?" I asked sweetly, batting my long lashes.

She gaped at me. "Serious?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

She launched herself at me. "I'm so happy, I'm actually hugging you. Let's go kick some wendigo's butt!"

I peeled her off of me, making a face. "Go get your hunting clothes, then we'll go have some fun."

She grinned at me wickedly before sprinting away with supernatural speed, dyed hair and all forgotten. I rolled my eyes and ran to the servants' entrance. I whizzed through the kitchen and the servants' quarters before reaching the weapons room. I stopped and picked up a leather suit made to keep you warm even in the highest altitudes, full of hidden pockets for daggers and throwing stars, and a few not-so-hidden slots for swords and fighting knives. I stripped to my underclothes and slid into the suit. After pulling on my boots, I grabbed a few daggers from my rack and placed some around my waist and some in easily reachable hidden slots on my arms, legs, and torso. A few fighting knives found their way into their sheaths at my waist. I picked up my sword, Echo, and swung it around, practicing some stances and warming up. The comforting weight of the blade focused my body and mind. I sharpened my senses to detect even a droplet of water in the air.

Arryn walked in. Even the fact that I got here before she wasn't enough to hinder her high spirits. She hummed as she repeated the process I went through. After warming up for a bit longer, we both grabbed a bow and a quiver full of arrows. I tested the bow, and after concluding that it wouldn't break when I use it, I stored the bow in the quiver and slung the quiver over my back.

"Ready?" Arryn asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." 

We strolled through the keep into the frigid air outside. After notifying the guards on wall duty to watch out for us, we ran off into the misty forest.



I'm Ananya, and I'm so glad you decided to read my story! Thank you for clicking on this one out of thousands of others.

If you need anyone to read your story, please let me know! I know how hard it is to get someone to read your story.

Anyways, I need to get started on the next chapter. Ta-ta!

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