"If it weren't for you," Sylvie began as she turned towards Helen who was already tending to the unconscious Cade's wounds, "we wouldn't be here right now and for that you have my thanks yet again."

"It's nothing," Liam said holding up a hand, hoping to avoid another uncomfortable exchange.

"It would seem all I've been doing is offering my thanks since we met," Sylvie replied as she walked away, "Might be time for me to start training again lest I be left behind." 

As Sylvie walked over to Helen's side, the princess placed the distraught children in her care before disappearing into the wagon to procure the necessary items to patch up the injured villager. 

Finally left to himself, Liam stared down at his hand as wisps of aura tickled its way past the grooves of his fingers. He wasn't certain before, but after his encounter with Joel, Liam couldn't be more sure of his theory. 

With the morning's sun now in full swing, shining directly down upon him, Liam whispered mentally, 'Shadow!'


'Did you really think I wouldn't notice?' Liam asked, staring off into the distance. 

Receiving no response, he continued, 'I wasn't sure until now. That feeling, that immense cold energy flowing through every part of my body boasting of its unending power. I felt the same energy just before I passed out when facing those mages from earlier. Just as you did back then, the same aura tried to infiltrate my body today, when dealing with Joel. Did you really think I'd let you possess me again, especially after the crippling aftereffects of the first possession?'

'Answer me!' Liam shouted mentally as Shadow maintained his silence, 'Why are you trying to possess my body?'

'Traitors...,those that betray the ones who trust them, should have no place in this world.'

 Liam, who was not used to hearing Shadow's voice bear such emotion was taken aback by the dark entity's words. Although he sensed that there was a story behind Shadow's distaste for 'traitors', Liam decided not to pry as he focused his attention on the problem at hand. 

'You can't just take over my body as you please!' Liam shouted, 'Promise me...promise me you won't ever do this again!'

Shadow remained silent yet again, leaving Liam waiting yet again for a response. 

'If-If we can't come to an agreement now,' Liam began, 'then whatever this is, is over. It doesn't if I never recover my remaining memories, even if I have to sacrifice my own life, I won't let a being as powerful as you with unknown intentions, continue to take over my body!'

At the mention of ending his life, Shadow stirred restlessly around Liam's mind, still hesitant to speak. After a few brief moments of silence, the resident of the void spoke. 

'I will no longer intervene.'

'That's good-,' Liam tried to say before he was cut off. 

'However, in the event the host faces danger beyond their current capacity, regardless of your thoughts, I will immediately step in!'

Realizing, he'd get no better offer than this, Liam caved, ready to accept Shadow's terms. Just as he was about to strike a deal, a random thought crossed his mind. 

'Wait a second,' Liam said suddenly, 'How can I be sure you won't go back on your word? What's stopping you from breaking your end of the deal in a year or two?'

Once again, Shadow fell silent as his host voiced his somewhat valid concerns. Although Shadow was well aware, beings of his level were incapable of lying to his host, there was no way to prove to Liam that this was the case. Or was there? Suddenly struck by a brilliant idea, Shadow expended a bit of energy as thoughts on how to prove the deal's legitimacy surfaced. 

Series: The Mountain: Book 1: The AwakeningΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα