A Baby Makes Three

Start from the beginning

"So? She doesn't want anything to do with me," He growled. 

"That could be argued but there's a bit of a problem. The baby is a month premature and there were complications with the birth. Long story short we don't know if (Y/N)'s going to wake up right now and, well you're the child's father. I think it would be best if you were here in case the worse happens," Martha said, somehow shattering Dally's world even further. He sobered up quickly as the news seeped into his head.

"I'll be there as soon as I can," He said before hanging up and stumbling to the door. Darry stopped him and convince him that he should drive Dallas because he was too drunk at this point. It was a long drive from Tulsa to Houston. One that Dallas spent crying and worrying. Martha met him at the hospital entrance and took him into your room. You were pale and sickly as you laid in bed with tubes connected to you. There was a brief moment where Dally thought he was going to throw up. He couldn't stand to lose you. He sat by your bed holding your hand tightly, praying and begging for you to come back. Martha came in after a few hours holding a blanketed bundle.

"There's someone that wants to meet you," She said. She held out the bundle for Dally to take. He did so carefully. His stomach dropped a bit as the baby fussed during the exchange. Once Dally had the baby in his arms things quieted down and the baby settled. "He's a bit underweight but he'll grow."

"He? I have a son?" Dally murmured as he tickled the baby's stomach getting him to laugh. Dally smiled at the baby. The two sat there for a bit until the baby started to cry. Dally panicked at first, unsure what to do. Martha brought Dally a bottle and they spent the night in the hospital waiting for you to wake up. Dallas and the baby grew inseparable. On the third day in the hospital a nurse had take the baby for a few tests leaving Dally alone with you.

"(Y/N), you gotta wake up soon. You've got this super tuff son and he really needs a mother. As it turns out I'm not too terrible as a dad," Dallas said, holding your hand. "I was thinking if you wake up we could try the whole family thing. We might be kind of good at it. Plus I kinda need to name the kid and I don't really want to do that without you. I might name him something silly like danger or something."

When you didn't move Dally became disheartened. He started to turn away thinking that it was true and you'd never wake up.

"Dallas, if you name our child Danger I will have to kill you," a voice said from behind him. Dallas turned and smiled widely finally seeing your eyes open.

James Danger Winston was born at 5:32 pm on October 15th.


Nine months of pregnancy had been brutal. You were tiny to begin with and having to carry another person in you for nine months had been incredibly hard. You were tired all the time and after you hit the seven month mark the doctor had ordered you to bed rest. You were lying in bed when Darry came home. You'd been having Braxton Hicks all day so you hadn't actually been able to sleep. Darry came into the bed room and smiled as he crawled into bed with you. He pressed a kiss to your stomach before moving to the head of the bed and helping you sit up so you could lay in between his legs. Darry rubbed your stomach knowing you were uncomfortable. The baby had begun to move down and it felt like it was just sitting in between your legs. Suddenly what you thought was a Braxton Hicks hit you making you tense up. Darry rubbed your arm and hushed you. As the pain faded you felt liquid spill out from between your legs.

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