"OK, so it's sorted. Please don't get too close to him. He can't be trusted."

"Why would you say that about your brother, I am sure everything will be fine, but for your peace, I won't get too close."

"OK, let me help you get in the bath, and then while you are bathing, I will go chat with my brother."

"No, just help me get dressed and borrow some of your books to make  your story believable."

I helped him get dressed and freshen up, and then we picked statistics books because that is the class we have in common. This was so that if my brother asked what we were studying together, it would make sense for it to be this one.

Zhan was breaking a sweat with each movement. My heart was sad because I knew it was my lack of self-control that had him like this.

He also helped me change the bedding quickly.

I wanted to cherish him and love him well. This, to me, shows I am off to a terrible start.

We walked out of the room. As soon as the door opened, I had to let go of him and let him walk on his own.

"Hi, you must be Yibo's roommate. I'm so sorry that I had to disturb your nap."

"Hi, I am Xiao Zhan. Yes, we are roommates. Nice to meet you. I don't think I got your name."

"It's Wang Xian. But you can call me Xian."

"Yibo, you forgot to mention how handsome your roommate is, I am sure you attract girls like honey attracts ants."

"Thank you so much, but I don't have time to entertain girls. I am way too busy studying for my masters. Please excuse me, I still feel a bit tired, so I will go lay down a bit."

"Sure, I can always get to know you better later. Oh, i see you are taking statistics with Yibo. Who is the professor teaching that these days?"

"It's Professor Chen, I believe she has been teaching the class for more than 15 years now."

"Yeah, you are right. Ok, let me not keep you any longer."

Zhan walked away and normal as he could master.

"So how did you guys meet and man, oh man, he is gorgeous!"

I am going to choose to ignore the other statement because I might overreact. Since when is my brother so taken by another man's face?

"He is a transfer student. He came to our Uni not so long ago."

"And how did you end up living together?"

"I had a fight with your parents, and they cut my allowance. So Zhan needed a place to stay.  It's a win-win. I don't have to call home for money because Zhan pays rent."

"Wow, that's smart. What was the fight about in the first place. I can not even imagine you fighting with the parents, the perfect and obedient son."

"Don't be like that, and can we talk later. You can stay with me in my room while you are here, but please don't get too comfortable. I am gonna go lay down."

"Why are you two so tired and tense? Never mind, you go sleep. I have work to do anyway."


I am so thirsty, but I don't feel like bumping into Yibo's brother. I sent Yibo a text a long time ago, and he had not answered. Now I am forced to go to the kitchen,  I might as well make dinner.

When I walked out, I found Xian sitting on the couch working on his laptop.

I acknowledged that I saw him with a slight bow and went to the kitchen. Got myself water.

When I started taking stuff out of the fridge to start cooking, I heard footsteps behind me.

"So Yibo tells me you just transferred not so long ago from another school?"

"Yes, I was in Shanghai."

"Yibo is not an accommodating person. He actually hates sharing anything of his. Imagine my shock when he told me that he had a roommate, and not only that, he let's you sleep in his bed. You must really be close. Which makes me wonder if you are really just roommates."

"I am not sure what you think we might be if not just roommates. I don't want to sound disrespectful, but I don't think I appreciate your tone. I don't mind you making assumptions as much as you like, but please keep them to yourself."

"Oh, ok, you are a snappy one. Can I not be curious? I saw the way Yibo looked at you, and I heard the way he spoke to you. Either he has not figured out that he has feelings for you or the two of you are hiding something from me. Either way, the truth will come out."

He walked away but gave me a knowing look. I need to make something quick and go back to my room.

Every time I looked up, he was just glaring at me with a weird smile. I was feeling really uncomfortable.

Luckily, Yibo soon came out of his room.

"Hey, when did you wake up?"

"A while ago, so I decided to make dinner quickly, before I started studying."

Yibo came towards me almost like he wanted to hold me, and I quickly pushed him away. I pushed him too hard because I was panicking, and his back bumped into the cardboard behind him.

He looked at me with a frown and took a deep sigh.

"I just wanted to find out if you are OK, but with all the strength you just used right now, I guess you are."

"What is going is going on in the kitchen?"

Yibo brother asked.

"It's nothing, I just tripped and bumped the cardboard."

By the time Yibo was done answering, he was already standing with us.

He kept looking at Yibo, who was looking extremely sad and back at me. I knew I looked very sorry, I really did not mean to push him that hard.

"I will be in my room studying. Let me know when you are done."

He turned and walked back to his room.

"What really happened in here? Why do you look like you are about to cry? What did I miss in such a short time?"

I really did feel like crying because I didn't mean to reject Yibo's touch like that.

Before I could even control my tears, they were already streaming down my face.

"Can someone say something to me, YIBO!"

He yelled out.


"Come back here right now!"

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