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Prompt: Clare decided to surprise her fathers for their anniversary.

Parent AU

No one's POV

Clare was wide awake at 7am in the morning.

She had already tried to go back to sleep a few minutes ago, but failed.

When she took her phone from her charger, all she wanted to do was scroll through Instagram or Tiktok to pass the time.

But her eyes stared at the date when she unlocked her phone. June 15.

Her body jolted up, almost waking Patches who was asleep by the edge of her blanket last night.

Today is her dads' anniversary.

She thought of making something for them as a surprise.

By now, Patches was already awake from the blanket movement.

She picked her up and apologized for waking her; Patches meowed back.

Clare might as well bring Patches with her instead of leaving her in her bedroom alone with nothing to do.

She had Patches in her arms and her phone on her hoodie pocket. She passed by Dream and George's shared bedroom.

The second she peeked if they're still asleep, she quickly, but quietly closed the door when she saw they were shirtless with their comforter covering up to their chests.

Clare continued downstairs as she headed to the kitchen.

Lights were turned on to reveal the marble counter top infront of her.

She finally put Patches down who started roaming around in the living room.

Clare had the idea to cook them breakfast and maybe a dessert for them later on.

Her parents usually wake up between 8-9am, so she had a lot of time.

It was easy for her to cook eggs on toast with a side of hash browns when her father taught her how to.

She also made a cup of coffee from the coffee maker for her father, and a cup of tea for her dad.

Clare even made their dishes look "fancy" in which she just used some ketchup to draw a smiley face and a heart on both of their plates.

When it was done, she placed it under a food cover and went to eat her breakfast first.

Whilst chewing on her hash brown, she took Patches' cat food and filled her bowl with it, along with some water from the faucet.

Patches started munching away.

She was done eating her breakfast when she started to think about what to dessert to bake for later.

Clare suddenly got an idea. She remembered a recipe she saw on Tiktok a few days ago and decided to try it.

She opened up Tiktok to go find the recipe.

Simple brownies, it said.

Easy to do with a few steps, it said.

It's quite the opposite.

Even with just a few steps, to her it felt like hours to make.

She mixed the melted butter and chocolate chips, cream, and brown sugar in a bowl.

Patches saw what she was doing; the bag of chocolate chips caught her attention. She basically jumped on the counter to steal some using her paws.

When Clare did caught her, Patches used the plastic bag as if it was a trampoline to escape, and some of the chocolate chips began to fall out of the bag and scatter on the floor.

Clare cursed to herself, but figured that she can clean it up after.

In the middle of mixing the dry ingredients in a bowl, she accidentally knocked the bag of flour with her elbow, resulting a powdery mess on the counter.

As she was close to make the batter, more mess were made along the way.

By the time she put the baking pan in the oven, she worriedly looked at the mess.

She knew that she needed to speedrun cleaning everything before her dads come downstairs.

She grabbed some paper towels and started wiping the counter clean.

Patches was no help at all. She jumped on the counter again and made paw prints everywhere, when she stepped on the flour as Clare was collecting the chocolate chips on the floor with a broom.

Clare dropped the broom and started chasing Patches around the counter, but with the feline being chased made her run around even more, creating more white paw prints on the floor.

As she finally caught and picked up Patches by the drawers, she turned around to be met by Dream and George, who woke up from all the noises.

She yelped, almost dropping the cat in her arms.

"What's all this?" Dream yawned, with George beside him who was half asleep, leaning against his shoulder.

Atleast they're both now fully clothed.

"Uhm- I made you and dad breakfast," she let out a small smile.

"I made you both some toast and- and hashbrows- and a cup of tea and coffee," she explained, "I even made brownies for later..."

George was now fully awake and raised an eyebrow, pointing the kitchen behind her.

"Oh- uh, I- yeah I know the kitchen's a mess- but I promise to clean it up!" she put Patches down, ignoring her paws still white.

"I just- I wanted to do something for you and dad- since it's your uh- anniversary today... I'm sorry,"

Clare felt tears pricked her eyes for ruining her parents' morning, but she only got a big hug from them in return.

She hugged them back and let the tears fall.

"Aww, you didn't have to," Dream rubbed her back.

"I wanted to."

"It's okay, we'll help you clean up," Dream and George broke the hug.

"Wait- no I'll do it-" Clare protested, but she already saw Dream pick the broom up and George putting the ingredients back to its' respective places.

Clare now wiped her tears away with her hoodie sleeve as she also helped by continuing wiping the counter.

A few minutes passed when she heard the timer go off; the brownies are ready.

She took it out of the oven with a pair of oven mittens and showed her work to her dads.

"It looks good,"

That morning ended after Dream and George ate their cooked breakfast, which they rated a 10/10, as well as Clare eating some of the brownies.

For Dream and George, it was more like both of them served their brownies in one plate and Dream was the one who fed George with it using a fork and vice versa.

Clare had already washed Patches' paws and mopped the floor when they were done eating. Even with all the mess she did, she still forgives her.

Dream didn't forget about today, of course, as he brought out some gifts hidden in a cabinet where George couldn't reach, even on his tippytoes.

He had gotten these gifts a day before, when George went out of the house a bit.

Roses, some nice sweatshirts, and more expensive stuff that Dream bought with his own money.
(Dream do be spoiling George)

George appreciated all of it, but felt bad that he only got Dream a simple bracelet with letterings behind it with a meaning as a gift.

Dream loved it, but suggested that if George still felt bad, he can just give him his additional anniversary gift tonight; he winked

And that's when Clare knew she needed to leave the kitchen before she can hear anything much detailed.

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