Payu's decision to marry Rain...

Start from the beginning

James : Please Rain stop drinking like this...
Please tell me what happened..???

Finally Rain opens his mouth and says everything and starts to cry...

Payu felt so bad for Rain...

Payu wanted to console Rain but he couldn't as Rain doesn't even know him...

Rain was crying continuously and James consoles him..

James : Don't cry it was best you slapped him and came out...

Rain hugs James...

Rain : He said he would marry that Pat in few days... 😭😭😭

James : So what let him marry...
You be happy that you escaped from that cheater...

Rain suddenly says...

Rain : I want to marry someone before he marries that Pat...

I want to show him that am alright and moved on...

James and Payu both were shocked by what Rain said...

James : Whom will you marry Rain..???

Rain : I don't know...
I want to marry someone just for sometime...

The person who can listen my story and marry me just for time being will be fine for me...

James : But no one will marry you like that Rain...
Marriage is not a joke to marry for sometime and leave...

Rain : I know that but I don't have any other option...

James : Only god can find someone like that for you in this universe...

Payu starts to think...

He sees the Rain face... he had liked Rain from the time he had seen him in the office...

He couldn't see Rain crying like that...

Payu :

"Can I Marry You....?????"

Both James and Rain were shocked...😳😳😳

James : Payu are you out of your mind..???

You listened what all Rain said right...??

Payu : Yes I listened...
And I want to help him...

So I will marry him...
I don't have any problem in that...

James : Shut up Payu...!!!
You know your the only son of your parents and they will never agree for a marriage like this without any meaning...

Payu : I can manage my parents...
They will never tell no to my decisions...

James take Payu to the corner...

James : Payu I know you liked Rain...
But marrying him is different...

He is just asking someone to marry him like a contract...
When he is done with his depression he will leave...

Payu : I know I understood when he told that...
I just want to help him...

Am really okay with it...

James : I don't know what madness has gotten over play with your own life like this...

James and Payu goes back to Rain...

Payu : Rain...
I can marry you... with all your conditions...

Rain was surprised that someone agreed to marry him with those crazy reasons...

Rain : Will you really...???

Payu : Yes I will..
By the way am Payu...

Am son of the company's CEO where your working...

Rain was speechless...

Rain : Are you crazy... why are you agreeing on this marriage then...??

Payu : I just felt like helping you..
I don't have any problem and I can speak to my parents regarding it...

Rain : Are you sure...???

Payu : 100% sure...
Just pretend in front of my parents as it's a love marriage and your my boyfriend that all...

Rest I can take care...

Rain was totally surprised by Payu words...

James really did not like why Payu was ready to spoil his life knowing everything....

Rain gives Payu his phone number and tells him to call by tomorrow to discuss further about it...

Payu agrees...

James and Payu also drops Rain to his apartment and leaves...

James : Payu please am sure you will get hurt...
Please don't do this...

Payu : James I couldn't see Rain crying like that...
Am really ready to help him...

James : Whatever...!!!
Am warming you... don't come to me after getting hurt....

End of chapter..!!!
Is Payu making a right decision...???
Comment down below...!!!

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