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Monday came and Etho dropped off Bdubs at school, Cleo did the same with Scar.
Scar and Bdubs met up at the fountain in front of the school as they always did on Mondays.

"So, how was Dad's?" Scar asked
"Pretty normal, Dad's looking to move." Bdubs said
"He wants you to be able to stay too. If you'd want. He said he found a possible house but wasn't able to look at it over the weekend, he's gonna ask mom if we can look too!"
"Hey Scar"
"Is there something going on with you that mom doesn't want me to know?"
"Not that I know of, why?"
"Well, mom said there was something I didn't need to know, and Uncle Tango said 'tell the kid about his brother' I just wanna know what they were talking about it"
"I don't think they were talking about me"
"Your the only brother I have"
"You don't remember?"
"You were two so, it makes a bit of sense."
"So you're just gonna dance around the question too?"
"What? Oh! No, I was just talking to myself, I'll tell you"
"Tell me!"

Then the school bell rung

"Meet I'll tell you at lunch, so we have more time. Okay?"
"Can't, lunch detention" Bdubs mumbled as the two started on there way to class
"I'll tell you after school then. Meet in my room when you get back okay?"
"Fine," Bdubs mumbled. Upset he had to wait 8 hours to get his answer.

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