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Hayabusa loves Kagura. His childhood sweetheart,the queen of his heart. He could talk for days about how much he loves the girl. Her pretty big eyes, her dollish face, her charming innocence.

But it wasn't Kagura who appears in his dreams every night. It wasn't Kagura who he dreams of undressing. It wasn't Kagura who appears in his every wet dream, moaning his name while he slams inside her deeper and deeper. It was Hanabi. It was Hanabi who he dream of taking and waking up everyday with his bed stained with semen.

He tried to jerk off to the thought of Kagura, but it didn't work. Not until he imagined Kagura's white hair to be black, her body being matured, her face replaced with Hanabi's and only then he'll come. It was wrong, but at the same time it wasn't.

Hayabusa is going to marry Hanabi anyways. The wedding will be in less than a week. Hanabi, the best ninja from the Scarlet Sector and Hayabusa the best ninja from Shadow Sector is going to get married.

To think of it, Hayabusa didn't visit her since that day. He kept on reminding himself that he should, yet he still couldn't bring himself to face her. Kagura always encourage him to see Hanabi. As expected from his sweet, innocent Kagura. Sometimes he wishes Hanabi is like her. Sweet, naive and innocent. But Hanabi isn't. She is fierce, stubborn and annoying. That still didn't hide the fact that it was the thought of Hanabi who bring him to orgasm everytime.

Can anyone blame him? He is in the age where his hormones is out of control. And Hanabi is a walking wet dream. A body like hers undeniably attractive. Hanabi is surprisingly naive. It is proven everytime they sparred where Hayabusa touches and groping her on purpose. But the girl still didn't suspect anything, only thinking of winning.

When did Hanabi's crush for him started? It flatters him to know the hard headed Hanabi has a crush on him. Hanabi, the girl everyone tries to get but couldn't, the girl that is out of everyone's league has a crush on him? Not only her, but Kagura too? Oh, to be him . He favours Kagura, obviously but a huge part of him wants Hanabi as well. He wishes to have both of them, Kagura for her pure heart and Hanabi to satisfy his lust.  Although it is a sickening thought, he couldn't help it. He loves Kagura so much but couldn't think of her as anything than the innocent cute girl. He wants Kagura's heart and Hanabi's body.

But of course he couldn't have both. Maybe he could have an affair while being married to Hanabi? Hayabusa knows Hanabi didn't have the heart to hurt him by exposing him. But wouldn't that hurt Kagura as well? Hayabusa didn't want that. Kagura is too pure for this world she wouldn't agree to an affair behind Hanabi's back. Hayabusa giggled.

“Why am I thinking about this? "

Kagura has marriage candidates lining up for her. His marriage is just around the corner. It doesn't matter anymore. He will try to open his heart for Hanabi and love her even though the thought repulses him. He shouldn't be greedy and want the two girls for himself. He is after all a lucky boy. After the marriage, he wouldn't have to dream to take Hanabi anymore as he could just do it whenever he wants.

The thought makes him hard. Kagura is laying in front of him, still on the nursery bed, sleeping when takes his harden member out and jerk off.  Despite having the love of his life sleeping in front of him, again it wasn't the thought of Kagura who brought him to his orgasm. It was Hanabi.

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