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Hayabusa didn't meant it, but damn his patience is waning to the point where he couldn't stand the presence of Hanabi. The girl always make her feelings obvious form him and Hayabusa didn't like it. He used to have a crush on Hanabi, but that was before. When Hanabi finally realised and reciprocate his feelings,it was too late as Kagura has taken it away.

He adored Hanabi so much. Her passion in becoming the leader, challenging him every chance she got even after losing too many times, its hard not to fall in love with the young woman.

But Hayabusa was a teenager and so was Hanabi. He couldn't control himself around her, not with seeing her revealing outfits and her mature body everyday. He doesn't trust himself around Hanabi, so he started to put a guard around himself to keep her away and it worked when he reunited with his childhood crush, Kagura.

He didn't meant what he said. When he saw Hanabi's upset face he knew he messed up.


He want to call out for her. Tell her he didn't meant it, but then his blood froze as he was met eye to eye with the Akuma ninja behind her. He did something to Hanabi that she fell unconscious and Hayabusa wants to reach out to her, but Kagura went ahead him and throw her umbrella above the Akuma ninja but before she could do anything else, Hanzo swing his blade, badly wounding Kagura. Hayabusa froze. He didn't know what to do. The wound on Kagura is not fatal, but it will worsen if not tended immediately. Kagura needs her help and Hanabi, Hanabi needs his help too. The Akuma ninja laughed.

“Choose, shadow ninja. Choose wisely. I'll let one go but you'll have to choose the lucky person. "

Hanzo's grin widened when Hayabusa's eyes fixated on Kagura.

“Hanabi. Please help her. I'll be fine. "

Kagura pleaded weakly. 'How sweet' Hanzo thought.

The shadow ninja then did what obvious and chose Kagura. The sweet girl pleading voice fell on deaf ears. He picked her up bridal style and before he left, he promised Hanzo;

“I'll come back for her. Until then you better don't lay your fingers on her for I will cut it all off if you do. "

The Akuma grins.

Now, here he is. Watching Kagura peaceful sleeping face after being tended by professional Shadow Sector healer . He is restless. How can he be calm after just giving up on his... Who is Hanabi in his life? Rival? Former crush? Companion? Ah yes. Companion. Still, he cares for Hanabi more than what he shows. Why did Hanzo wants Hanabi? He could kill all of them if he wanted, he is able to especially after taking Hanabi down. But why did he abduct her? The Akuma ninja never abducted his victims. He killed them all on the spot so he can showcase his power and strength to people. But why not Hanabi? It's not as if he wanted Hanabi dead, its just the whole situation felt wrong.

But he still remember this one time he encountered Hanzo. It was brief and it wasn't even a fight. Hanzo easily won. Hanzo has his blade on Hayabusa's throat.

“There's this  young woman, a ninja your age. She was so brave as to fight me all on her own. Hair black, with a red ribbon on her high ponytail. Beautiful with fuckable body. I wanted to fuck her to death but you and your white haired bitch interfere with my business so I'll just rip-"

His word then cut off by the power from Kagura's umbrella.

Hayabusa and Kagura then flew without turning back.

He forgot that conversation ever existed in the first place because after Kagura saved him, he fell unconscious due to bleeding on his head. But he remembered it now, of all time. His blood went cold. No. Please no. He left Hanabi to that sick monster. He probably will-

Hayabusa stand up with so much force, that the chair he sat on fell back with loud thud.

"Hayabusa is that you? "

Kagura opened her eyes slowly, probably woke up due to the chair falling. He wants to run and find Hanzo before he could hurt Hanabi, but before he turn to leave, a weak hand grabbed him.

“Stay, please. ”

How could he not? Hanabi is his companion but Kagura is the love of his life. Hanabi can wait. She's strong, she'll be fine.

“Don't worry, I'll stay, my love. "

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