Chapter Seven

Mulai dari awal

It's okay she mouthed to him. "Sure," Grian answered, smiling as he pulled out his phone.

"Yay!" Scar grinned, "My number is 303-XXX-XXXX"

"Okay, mine is 161-XXX-XXXX," Grian said, adding Scar to his contacts. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Pearl exchange numbers with Gem.

Scar waved and hurried off. Grian turned to his sister as Gem was leaving. "Do you have a project with Gem?" Grian asked as he and his sister began the walk home.

"W-well I mean not really... I kinda just wanted her number," Pearl chuckled, a slight shade of pink dusting her cheeks. Grian grinned. "Uh-huh."

Pearl glared at him as they approached their home. She glanced at the door before turning to her brother with a playful smile. "Bet you ten euros that Darcel is sitting on the couch waiting for us," She gambled.

Grian shook his head, "Nah, I bet he's standing in the foyer." Pearl grinned.

"Deal," She laughed, offering her hand. Grian reached out and shook her hand with a small smile. "Quickest way to earn ten euros," He declared.

Pearl glanced at him as she opened the door. Darcel walked out of the kitchen, wearing a rather nice suit. Pearl looked at her brother. They were both wrong.

"Ah, both of my daughters are back," The lunar elf drawled, adjusting the collar of his suit.

"You son of a-" Pearl began, outraged at her father's comment, spoken specifically to remind her brother that he didn't approve of his transition.

"I will be leaving again, not that I am concerned about your well-being. I have a business trip. I am informing you to make sure you don't bother me while I am on my island," Darcel interrupted.

Pearl rolled her eyes. "You mean a whore trip?" Grian snapped, "We all know that you sit around with all of your cash doing nothing but soliciting women, living in luxury until you have to come back and make sure we are still alive!"

Darcel scowled, "Now *deadname* no need to be brash. In one and a half weeks I will return and supply you with your allowance, this is the arrangement we agreed on, now go upstairs before I cut the money I had set aside for you," the brunette seethed.

Grian's eyes widened and he stormed upstairs, slamming his bedroom door. Darcel turned to Pearl. "My dear, I do not understand why you keep protecting your useless sister. You have much potential. You could easily pass for a lunar elf and build your life," he murmured, reaching out to rest his hand on his daughter's shoulder.

Pearl jerked away from his touch and Darcel frowned, his hand returned to its side and curled into a fist. "Fine," He thundered, "If you wish to keep her here that is your choice but remember the agreement or it's back to Japan for your little sister."

With that, Darcel grabbed his briefcase and left. The sound of a Rolls-Royce could be heard as the lunar elf drove away.

Pearl hurried to her room and closed the door, sinking onto her bed.

~~~~Flashback~~~~ (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

"Father please let Grian come back, please!" Pearl begged.

"My angel, I don't think she can be helped..." Darcel frowned, looking down at his daughter.

"Is there anything I can do?" Pearl pleaded, "Anything at all to let you bring him home?"

Darcel grinned. "Anything?" He taunted. Pearl froze. You have to, for Grian.

"Yes... anything..." the young brunette muttered.

"How much was set aside for you?" Darcel asked, walking around the room.

"What?" Pearl questioned, "How much of what was set aside for me?" Darcel stared at her.

"The will!" He snapped, "How much money was left for you in the will!" Pearl felt her face pale.

"Around three-hundred-thousand euros..." She whispered.

"The same for *deadname*?" Darcel asked. Pearl nodded. "Fantastic, " Darcel grinned, "You will pay me the three-hundred-thousand and while your sister is here, you have to keep her in check, make sure that she doesn't do anything stupid. Oh and make sure not to tell people about your situation here of there will be issues. Got it?"

Pearl nodded.

~~~~End of flashback~~~~ (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

There was a knock at her door and she quickly opened it to find her brother standing there, two cats in his arms. "Hey, G I'm sorry about-" Pearl began.

"It's not your fault, I also wanted to ask if you were okay with me going to Scar's to work on our project. He doesn't have band today so he asked if we could get started," Grian explained.

"That's fine with me, you taking Maui and Pearl?" The lunar elf asked. Grian nodded in response. "Alright, have fun but be back-" "before five so we won't be late for our shift," Grian finished with a grin.

Pearl nodded and watched her brother leave before pulling out her phone.

--- ♡ Gem ♡ ---

<Pearl> Hey Gem

<♡ Gem ♡> Hi! How are you?

<Pearl> Oh I'm fine

<♡ Gem ♡> That's good.

~ ♡ Gem ♡ is typing ~ . . .


Pearl sighed. "This might sound weird, I dunno, but can I come over?" Pearl muttered as she messaged Gem.

"Of course!"

Eheheheh. I'm such a good author! Anyway. The Q&A will probably be the next thing I add on this story. I didn't do it after 6 in case some people didn't see it or they forgot or they had more questions, idrk ;-;. ALSO I debated doing one-shots but I didn't have many ideas so if you want you can suggest/request one-shots and I might try to write some based on requests. Idk if I should do that so let me know.

Have a wonderful whatever-time-of-day-it-is! ヾ( ̄▽ ̄) Bye~Bye~

.:A New World:. [Hermitcraft Highschool AU] [Scarian]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang