birthday girl

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Lili never really celebrated her birthday. For her parents, celebrating a birthday was useless since she wasn't the one who did all the work to put her on earth. She never got the chance to have a birthday party and celebrate this day with her friends. 

Mariane was well aware of that and decided to take the matter into her own hands. First, she needed to know if everyone was available. A quick text to Kris after she stole his number from Lili's phone and the entire band knew the Belgian girl's birthday was coming up right before Christmas - specifically the 22nd of December. 

Then, she needed a place. Clearly, she couldn't organise this in hers or Lili's apartment considering how tiny they were. It didn't take long for Bojan to offer to do this little get-together at his place since he had the largest apartment. Therefore, he also offered, with the rest of the band to take care of the decoration and the food. 

Finally, the presents. Lili never got any birthday presents and barely any Christmas present growing up so Nini knew that any thoughtful gift, no matter the size or price would make her friend burst out crying. Unlike her mother, she wasn't one to care about expensive stuff or high-end brands. 

The guys had no idea what to get her so the first thing they did was text Nini on the group chat she created for the occasion. 

Lili's first birthday party at 22

She will like everything you get her.

But if you want some ideas, she loves
Legos (especially the cars/race cars),
records (she has a record player), books
(she is a sucker for vintage editions of
classics with hardbacks) and also

You lots have a good style so I'm pretty
sure if you want to buy her any fashion
items you will find something she likes.

Legos ? 

1 : There is no age limit to like Legos.

2 : Lili never had a proper childhood,
she missed out on a lot of things. Do
you know many kids who read Roman
poetry at 10 ? She wasn't allowed to
watch any kids' shows or movies ever
nor to have toys passed the age of 5.

I genuinely feel bad for her


What are you getting her ? 

She had been eyeing this camera lens
for a while but she isn't one to spend
that much money on herself. So I
decided that if she isn't going to treat
herself, I will.

In the end, the band got her both of their records - not that it was difficult to find them - the Porsche 911 Lego set and a vintage edition of Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupéry in Slovenian. From what Nini told them, they made a good choice for the book since Lili collected vintage editions of this book in many different languages and hasn't found one in Slovenian yet. 


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