
11am | Tangwai's Mansion
< After Rain & his Appa's Message Convo >

"He agreed, Pai. Now, you go ahead and call Nong Phayu and tell him to come here right this instant! Tell him that it's important and that I want to talk to him." The older alpha ordered and Prapai immediately obliged.

'Rain will surely like this!' Prapai thought to himself once again as he dialed Phayu's number. After a few minutes of conversation, their call ended.

"Pa, Phayu said he's coming. He agreed to be Rain's bodyguard." Said Prapai, waiting for his baby brother to come home and see his reaction. This will be fun.

After a short while of waiting, a loud motorcycle engine was heard outside. Both alphas looked at each other and they know that Phayu was here already.

The maid opened the door for the latter who immediately made a polite wai at her and at the older alpha once he makes his way inside the house.

"Sawasdee khap, Uncle. Pai said that you had something important to tell me?" Greeted Phayu who was signalled to sit on the couch across them.

"Sawasdee, Nong Phayu. Thank you for agreeing to meet up today. I hope you're not that busy?" Asked the older Tangwai, making Phayu shake his head 'no' in response.

"Not quite, Uncle. It's practically my rest day today since it is Sunday. Also, I was just doing my pastime at the garage." Said the younger alpha, earning a small laugh from the other.

"Let me guess, tinkering with your bikes again?" Said the older, receiving a smile from Phayu.

"Ehem, well, Pa. It's better to get down to business now." Prapai interrupts their small 'how are you?' conversation and reminded his Pa what Phayu is really here for.

"Ah, yes. That's right. Well, as Pai have told you over the phone a while ago, you will be Rain's bodyguard." Said their Pa to which Phayu nodded to.

"Yes, Uncle. I agreed to that as well. But, what exactly is my role as Rain's bodyguard and why did you suddenly need someone to watch over him?" Phayu asked, curious about the reason behind the rush.

"Well, as you can see. A business partner of ours has recently cut off ties with us. And, it's because of what happened last night." Said the older alpha, remembering the stress that he had a while ago. "Turns out that the one whom Rain punched last night was his son." Phayu felt annoyed once again as he was reminded by what happened in the bar. Well, that beta bastard deserved it.

"But, Uncle. Rain didn't do anything wrong. He was sexually assaulted and he just protected himself by punching that guy. Also, how did you find out? Did Pai tell you?" Phayu asked after defending the omega. It's true. Rain just defended himself from the latter.

"Yes I know, Nong. However, scolding Rain about this matter won't do. He needs to learn his lesson and you are going to help him learn it." His uncle said, smirking. Phayu felt chills all over his body. The alpha looks like a scary villain right now.

"So, all I have to do is to watch him and help him when he needs me. Is that right?" The long haired alpha made sure that he is hearing things right. After all, it's his first time becoming a bodyguard.

my alpha crush is my bodyguard?! | phayurainNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ