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Sebastian's POV

( play " All I Want" by kodaline )

I feel so sad, bad and depressed.

Why did I have to leave Jessie alone in the room after she showed me she truly liked me.

God i'm such a fuck up!

I've been in my room for the longest time. I asked paul if I could go home for atleast 2 stops.

He said yes, so at the moment i'm with my mom and dad.

"Quieres de comer?" My mom came into my room so sudden with a tray of food.

I shake my head no, letting her know I don't want to eat.

I haven't ate recently.

I've seen on social media how Sam and Jessie have been really close.

This is my fault.

If I wouldn't have done anything and been a good person this wouldn't have been happening.

I grab my phone and open twitter up.

@sebtsb wish I knew how to actually treat you.

I tweet that.

I actually wish I would have treated her better.

From the moment she came across my life.

Before we even met I would always see her in my timeline.

I hadn't followed her.

But the fans I followed would retweet some of her selfies or tweets about me.

She had this whole other image of me and I clearly broke it.

She was the best thing that happend to me. She made me change my ways.

I had stopped sleeping around for her.

I stopped being a fuck boy.

I stopped being a douche.

I stopped being the person I even hated.

I was a new person.

I was an improved Sebastian. Which she led me to be.

But with out her I don't know what I will do.

I left her.

It's my fault i'm suffering.

I wish I could just hear her voice once more.

I wish I could see her in person and tell her i'm sorry for being such a fuck up.

I wish I could just have her in my arms.

I just want her to love me once again.

I soon hear a knock in my door.

"I don't want food! For the last time!" I yell.

"Don't have food son, but I do want you to come back..." Paul said coming right it.

A / N : what state do you guys live in? And do you guys recommend some books for me?

Bad Boy SebastianHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin