Ch 25: Double Date

Start from the beginning

Maru had caught himself before his head hit the floor. Botan however, was not so fortunate, and woke to a brand new lump on her head, Yusuke soon gaining one to match.

With breakfast out of the way, it didn't take long for everyone to get washed up and dressed. Yusuke and Kuwabara sported their usual thuggish attire, while Kurama had chosen form fitting jeans, and a faded pink sweater of his. Yumi had seen it before, and reckoned it must be one of his favorites for how often her wore it. Maru had dressed simply. Greyish jeans and a white button down shirt that hugged his form, a light black jacket to cover it. Mako had gone with a sleek black button down and slacks to match.

On the girl's side, Shizuru had dressed simply, dark skinny jeans and a slightly oversized forest green sweater. Suni had chosen a form fitting, pastel pink long sleeve that hugged the curves of her body, and dark grey leggings to match. Botan had thrown her oversized yellow and green hoodie back on, a pair of leggings underneath as well, and Yumiko had chosen an oversized hoodie she had been waiting to wear since her last shopping trip. It was that same russet brown she adored so much, with a somewhat sunset orange stripe across the middle. She had chosen dark red leggings to go with it, and felt very much a fox in human skin as the soft interior of the hoodie rested against her.

She had just rejoined the others when Yusuke's phone went off, and he grinned.

"Alright, just remember that Keiko doesn't know anything about all this demon stuff. So ears, tails, fins and horns all tucked, got it?"

Nods and chuckles sounded around the room as everyone grabbed their packs for the day. Yumiko fell in next to Kurama as they waited for the elevator, and she did her absolute best not to think about glinting fangs and red ears as he gave her a gentle smile. His emerald eyes flicked to the silk band around her neck, the perfect accent to her otherwise warm attire. He turned away quickly to hide the smirk as the colors of the Oceanfire jewel danced in her discomfort, matching the rising color in her cheeks.

Keiko had been waiting downstairs. She had worn a soft brown sweater, and matching dress pants, her hair done up in two thin red ribbons, and easily looked the youngest in the group.

With quick introductions out of the way, the group made their way into the city for a day of shopping and fun! Their first stop, the mall!

For the better part of the morning the girls ran from one shop to the next, the boys doing their best to keep up as the boxes and packages they carried grew. Shizuru had decided to hang back for most of the stores, though she did pick out a few tops in one of the graphic tee shops they passed. Yumiko had found two more sun hats that she absolutely adored, and a soft white dress that was nearly a mirror image of her favorite blue one, though it was more expensive than she would have liked. She had just hung it back up when Kurama's hand brushed her shoulder.

"Why don't I buy it for you? It can be an early birthday gift." He asked, making a quick note of the price. It was rather expensive, but he thought it would look quite lovely on the little firebrand. He felt a trill of pure joy roll through him at the beaming grin she gave him, adoration coating her features as he paid for the dress.

Sunemia had found three crop tops, all pastel in pinks, yellows, and blues, that were in the style she adored so much, and somehow convinced Kazuma, (who convinced his sister to let him borrow some money...) to pay for them. She had changed into the yellow one immediately, and Yumi had to admit, it did look good on the tan skinned girl.

Botan picked out a few different outfits, one being a large blue hoodie that might have been the pair to the one she had on. A wave of soft bluish-green cut across the front, light yellow and white koi fish in a swimming pattern across the back. Maru had watched from a small distance as she twisted and turned in front of the changing room mirror, and returned her beaming grin with a gentle smile of his own when she asked how it looked.

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