patient obsession 1/2

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Ishan was very happy to visit the hospital to see Diya.

He had never listened to his previous doctor, but now he was listening to everything Diya said. It was a shock to everyone.

Now it was his second day meeting Diya at the hospital, today Diya wanted to conduct some normal checkup on him so she took him to the scanner room.

"Okay, Ishan. I need you to remove your shirt so I can check your heart and lungs. Is that okay?" Diya asked.

"I-I don't know. I'm shy." He said with red cheeks

Diya sent the nurse outside cause Ishan was feeling uncomfortable.

"That's okay, Ishan. I understand. But I need to make sure you're healthy. So, if it's okay with you, I can help you remove your shirt."

"Okay, Diya. Thank you." He replied.

"You're  welcome, Ishan. You don't have to be shy around me. I'm here to help you."

As Diya helped Ishan remove his shirt, she noticed that his heart was beating faster than normal. She could see that he was blushing and thought it was cute.

"You're doing great, Ishan. Just breathe normally, and we'll be done in no time."

"Okay, Diya. Thank you for being so nice to me." Ishan said with a tiny voice.

"Of course, Ishan. That's what I'm here for. Now, take a deep breath for me, please." As she said he took a huge deep breath in a funny way.

Diya saw this and laughed, thinking he was cute.

After the check-ups, Ishan's treatment began to improve.

He listened to her and took his medication on time. His parents were very happy to see the progress he was making.

"I'm so glad Ishan is doing better now. Dr. Diya has been so helpful." Ishan's mother said to her husband.

"Yes, she has. She's been a great doctor to Ishan." He said.

"It's more than that, though. I think she's been a great friend to him too."

"What do you mean?" Ishan's father asked.

"Well, Ishan has been more willing to listen to her than any other doctor he's had. And he's been more open with her too. It's like they have a special connection." She said with hope.

"I see what you mean. I'm just glad Ishan is getting better." He said with a smile.

"Me too. And I'm glad he has Dr. Diya to help him."

"Yes, she's been a blessing." Isshan's mother said.

They are very happy to see there son becoming healthy again. They would do anything to make him healthy.

Ishan in his room was day dreaming about Diya, he was selecting a dress to wear tomorrow to impress her.

He knows that diya likes blue colour so he decided to wear blue.

The next day Ishan was all ready and prepared to meet Diya. He came down smiling but the smile soon got replaced after he heard his mother saying him Diya is busy today.

"But why mom," Ishan has tears in his eyes. Hearing his parents that he can't meet Diya today.

" Try to understand my child, dr. Diya has to go out for some other work, so the meeting is cancelled," ishan's mother said train to make him understand.

But Isha was not having it he started to throw the things which are near him and started to cry like a baby.

"I want to meet Diya now!! Take me to her!," Shouted and continue to throw the things around his room he's parents tried to control him but he was already losing his control.

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