♦And may your vaults blossom♦ - As he spoke, my family looked at us in confusion and surprise - "How can I help you?"

- "I would like to change muggle money to magical money, please."

The goblin handed me a paper to sign, then he gave me the money, before we left he introduced himself as Garrafilada, then we said goodbye and left the bank.

- "Where to now?" - Asked Petunia excitedly.

- "Let's get my wand first."

We walked to Ollivander, as we entered and approached the counter; from the back Ollivander came out.

- "Oh it's a pleasure to have you here Miss Aurora."

When I heard my old name I was shocked. - 'He shouldn't know that name.'

When I managed to come out of my state, I turned around and looked at my family.

- "This is going to take a while, how about you guys go for a walk, and when you're done we can meet in front of the pet shop?" - My parents didn't look very convinced, but Petunia insisted on going to see the other shops.

When they left, I turned around and looked at Ollivander.

- "I'm sorry to tell you my name is Lily."

- "I see, sorry for the confusion."

- "No problem."

- "How about we start looking for your wand?" - I just nodded my head.

He turned around and walked around the shelves, grabbing some boxes. Then he turned around and walked back to the counter, leaving seven boxes on top.

- "Let a little of your magic flow out as you pass your hand through the box."

I nodded my head as I raised my hand and let some of my magic flow out, as I passed it through the boxes I felt my magic cling to two, one stronger than the other, I grabbed one of the two boxes and opened it and shook it, from it, little golden lights started to come out and then surround me.

- "It is ten and a quarter inches long, elastic, and made of willow wood. A good wand for incantations."

I just nodded as I looked at the wand, then grabbed the other wand that was calling me. I waved the other wand and waved it, from this wand came a white light that illuminated the whole tent, and a sense of completeness surrounded me.

- "Twenty-eight centimeters, this one made of elder, with a phoenix feather in its center. Interesting, very interesting."

'Two wands wow'

- "Excuse me, what's so interesting?" - I said, paying attention to what he was about to say.

- "You see Miss Sayre your wand is made of elder. Elderberry is the rarest wand wood of all and is believed to be very unlucky, elder wands are harder to master than any other. They contain powerful magic, but disdain to stay with any owner who is not worthy of their company; it takes a remarkable wizard to keep an elder wand for any length of time. Only a very unusual person will find their perfect mate in the sacred age, and on the rare occasion that such a union occurs, one can be certain that the witch or wizard in question is marked for a special destiny."

- "Well, that's interesting." - 'A special destiny, does that mean I'm not just here to be?'

After asking her for a few galleons for both wands, paying and heading out to meet my family to finish shopping.

End of Flashback


And on the subject of my eyes, Severus found out that it's called magical sight, which means that the colors I see are magic and both magical sight and Metamorphomagus are rarely seen, not to say that those abilities are extinct.

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