Chapter 21 - Leaders and Tupperware

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FINALLY! It's been ages!

After what felt like a year and a half, we finally made it off of that stupid frozen mountain. Don't get me wrong, it was pretty neat and all, but I had long since grown sick of the cold temperature, especially the wet frost that clung to my fur. Having fur was almost starting to feel normal!

My thoughts though were mostly occupied with what Rebecca had said about me. Was I really to be a "Great Leader?" I've never led anything! Even when I was in girl scouts! I mean, sure I've had to take lead in a group project or something in school, but that was nothing like this! Was all that stuff she said a load of crap?!

Leaders are supposed to be, I dunno, smart or something! I know I'm not! Plus, they have to keep a level head with things, and Sam is far more levelheaded than I am. I don't want to be a leader!

Laura had taken us back to her cabin for the night, and then we started our way down to the bottom the next morning. By the time we reached the base of the mountain, it was almost noon. We stopped for lunch on a tall cliff, so that we were high enough to see the path ahead.

"How long until we get to see Bart?" Rou asked Laura in-between pecks of his sandwich.

"Depends." Laura said thoughtfully. "Maybe about a week or two?"

Rou let off a (possibly rude?) chirp and went back to eating his sandwich. Guess he's still slightly annoyed about his blessing or something.

"How are you holding up?"

I looked back over to see Sam looking at me. "Oh, uhh... Fine I guess." I said. I didn't want to talk to him about my worries.

"Good." Sam said, finally now starting on his sandwich. I didn't realize that he wanted to make sure everything was okay before eating. It's strange how he does stuff like that. Weirdo.

I look over at Laura. She's eating her sandwich peacefully, watching the trees and stuff. I wonder what she's thinking about.

My stomach growled. I look down at my own food, which looks to be some kind of sandwich in a small container, lying at my feet. I then realized a problem.

How am I supposed to get it out when I don't have hands?

I stare down at the dumb container, trying to figure how I could open it. This wasn't a problem with berries and stuff I've eaten here before, since I could just stuff them in my mouth. But how the heck do I get a sandwich out of a tupperware container? I don't want to ask for help because I'm supposed to be some 'great leader' or something. How can I be a great leader if I can't even figure out how to open up a stupid box? No one had said anything to me about it, so for pokemon like me, there's gotta be some trick to it.

I decided to start with the lid. It's kinda hard to get my paws in the correct position, because the tupperware kept shifting in the grass. I eventually got the container propped between my thighs, which helped a ton, since it kept it from moving. After wedging a paw under the lip of the plastic lid, I tried pushing the lid up. My paw slipped and I almost lost the whole container in my folley. I tried it again, but this time slipping my tiny claws under the lid.

After getting my tiny claws under the lid and pulling hard, I lost my balance and fell over backwards, doing a backwards somersault down the slope and thwacking my back against the dirt pile behind me. I breathed hard in frustration.

"Need a little help?"

I looked back up to find Laura and the others watching me with an amused expression. Laura was the one who had asked.

"Fine." I mumbled. I padded back over and laid down on my front after shoving the evil tupperware over to them. I watched in annoyance as Laura opened it with ease and offered me the sandwich.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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