Chapter 13 - Starting the Hike

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After waking up and eating breakfast, we left the motel and walked back over to Sue and Leevan's Fashion Shop. We walked in to find her finishing up what looked to be a jacket of sorts... but it also looked kinda like a pile of cloth?

"Hey Leevan!" I said, eying the thing she was making. "Is that...?"

"Yep! And I've just finished!" She replied, holding it up to take a final look. "This one is yours, go ahead and try it on!"

As she had lifted up the jacket, I got a decent look at it. It looked like she had folded cloth and trimmed it, wrapping it around and stitching it so that it was in the shape of a coat.

She held the jacket over to me, and I stared at it. Normally how I would put a jacket on would be to stick one arm through and then put my other arm behind my back to get it through the other arm hole. But now having four legs, that was impossible! I can't bend a leg backwards like that!

I looked up at her. She was holding the jacket out with a smile still, kind of holding it at a weird angle... shouldn't she know, best of all that I can't put it on myself? I mean- Oh wait! Duh! She's holding it out for me to slip my legs through!

I stuck my right paw into the first jacket sleeve. I don't know if it was my for or the jacket, but I already felt snug in there. I then put my back leg in, and then the other one. Finally, I put my left paw in, and that was that.

Leevan brought out a large mirror, and I took a look at myself. The jacket was a nice blue color, with a sort of bundled look to it... in a good way. It had button-like things along the opening, and little string loops to fasten them around so I could close the jacket. Overall, I really liked it.

"Well?" Leevan said. "What do you think?"

"I love it!" I replied. Honestly, I felt weird without wearing something like clothes for so long. I mean, having fur basically defeats the purpose, but it was somewhat reassuring to me that I still felt better wearing clothes.

Next was Sam. She pulled out a similar green jacket with a hood and offered it to Sam. He dropped his bag on the floor and put it on. It looked a bit like a raincoat, it was made of some kind of smooth cloth. The inside, however, looked very fluffy. It looked nice on him, and it brought out his hazel-looking eyes.

"This feels great! He said as he turned, looking at himself in the mirror. "What's it made of?"

"The exterior is made of a material of my own design," Leevan started. "It's a combination of a few different things to make it water-resistant and warm. The inside is lined with fur, because I'm sure you'll need it to stay warm on the mountain."

"Sweet, thank you!" Sam said with delight. "I love it!" Sam then stepped aside as Rou fluttered over.

"And for you, it was a bit harder..." Leevan said, glancing down at Rou. "You are already pretty feathery, and your round shape was hard to deal with... so I decided to make you this!"

Leevan pulled out a small cloak, it was a dark color, almost a dark blue or grey. It was made of some kind of wrapped, thin fabric. It looked much more baggy then the others, and I assumed there was reason for that.

"When you wrap yourself up in these, it will keep you comfortable and as long as you try not to get wet, you should stay warm!" Leevan said. "If it does get too wet, you will have to set it out to dry."

"Oh, so it's kinda like wool then?" I said, making a connection and interrupting before Rou made a mean remark. "It soaks up water really easy?"

"Wool?" Leevan asked with a curious expression. "What is wool?"

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