2-Reality continues

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The school doors flung open and standing there was Tony Stark and another man. I believe it was Bucky.
"Get away from him!" I hear Bucky yell before my head starts spinning and I feel light headed.
I notice flash running away and Mj and Ned running to me.

"PETER!" They both yell in shock.
I sit there feeling like I might pass out because I couldn't feel my face or stomach.
"I...mi..ght...fa...int" I manage ti say just in time for them to lay my head down. Everything blacks out for an hour or so.

I wake up completely aware of what happened. "Hello?" I ask trying to see where I was.
"Oh you're awake now" a short older man says.
"Umm... who are you and where am I"
"Calm down okay kid, you are at stark towers medbay and my name is Bruce, Bruce banner"
" I know you, I have read all of your books" I say excitedly.
"Oh thanks I don't know very many people to read my books anyways I just need to ask a few questions before letting everyone else know you are awake"
"Okay" I reply.

*after questioning*
I Try to reach for my phone to text Ned and Mj to let them know I am okay but I struggle in pain to move. I manage to sit up yet feel dizzy from sitting up to quick. Bruce quickly try to help by holding my back but when he raises his hand I flinch and lean forward waiting for a hard slap.
"Oh gosh, kid are you okay? I'm not gonna hurt you" he hesitates to add.
"I.. I'm.. sorry" I stutter.

I look at him and realise the concern in his eyes. He hands my phone to me carefully and slowly. "Here, I will be back. I'm gonna let the group know how you are doing" He states before leaving. I just nod.

The Nerds

Hey guys, I'm okay now. I'm awake and the doctor- Bruce banners- says I will be fine if I just take things slow for the next day or two.

After sending the text I switch my phone off and try to get up. I groan with every movement. I manage to get dressed and walk to a small mirror where I pulled the makeup out from yk bag and applied just enough to cover the bruises surrounding my face and body.
I stumbled over to the elevator. I have been to the stark tower before so my voice was recognisable in the system.
"FRIDAY to the common room please" I requested.
The weight of my bag making me dizzy again as I step out of the elevator. I then realise I have a crowd.

"Hey Peter, we weren't expecting you to be up yet" tony said
"Oh yeah, umm I just need a bathroom"
"Of course and then could we talk in private please" Tony requests

I walk down the hall to the bathroom and reach into my pocket and pull out the blade. Sitting in the floor against the wall. I lifted my hoodie sleeve and removed the gauze.
1 cut for making them pity me
4 for letting them see my scars and gauze
The blood was running down my arms. A moment of panic struck me again.
'What time is it', Matthew is gonna kill me, tony wants to talk probably about my arm,there is blood on the floor'

I let out a loud scream failing to cover my mouth in time. I hear someone at the bathroom door "Kid are you okay?" It's a women voice, sounding like Natasha (aka black widow)
I say nothing at I struggle to catch a breath of air.
"Kid?!" She yells
"H...e...L...p" I say between trying to breathe.
"TONY, BUCKY" Natasha tells for help and breaks down the door pulling me in. "BUCKY, it's a pain attack" she says. She notices my hoodies with blood patches and blood drops on the floor. "Oh Pete" she says.
I knew she is disappointed, I can feel it. Bucky rushes in alongside Tony.
"Hey kid, you are okay, we are all here to help you" Bucky says trying to call me down
"Just breathe, in and out"

*minutes later*

I calm down and finally catch my breath.
"Can you tell us what's wrong" Tony asks impatiently.
"What..is the... time?" I ask trying to steady my voice.
"Umm, 9:30pm I think" Natasha says
"I have to go" I say jumping up and grabbing my stuff. " wait Peter..." I hear someone say before I run off.

Tears roll down my face as I step into the elevator and run out of the building. Matthew was gonna be very angry. I ran most of the way back to my apartment, I knew Aunt May wasn't going to be home as she has another late shift.


Peter ran to that elevator without a single moment of pause. I tried to follow but the elevator shut in my face. I went back to the bathroom and looked around trying to find something, anything. I noticed blood on the floor and a small razor taped under the sink.

My brain thought of only one thing.


I enter as quietly as I can noticing that the tv was on and someone was screaming with every score a person made.
"I know that's you!" Matthew says while getting up from his seat.
"Please, I'm sorry" I say as my eyes fill of tears.
"To Late to apologise"

He walked up to me, looked me directly into my eyes and punched me right in the middle of my stomach. I let out a yelp as I fell to the cold tiles. He kicked me again and again. Then he grabbed my arm and lifted me up. I only had a second the realise may was just about to join in.
"Come on you pest fight like a man for once" may demanded
I groaned as she joined in and squeezed my arm. My cuts ached. Matthew whacked me across the head making me very nauseous, may walked over me into the kitchen and grabbed a knife.

"If you are ever late again, I will kill you. YOU HEAR ME!" He shouts at me.
He kneels down and pierces the skin on my leg making blood run down.
At that moment I didn't even realise I was crying. I limbed up the stairs and walked into my room. I immediately covered the wounds and got dressed. I was way to exhausted to shower this late at night. I drop into my bed and pull the covers up reaching for my headphones.

I blasted music making my ears ring, I didn't care though. I wanted to text my friends so bad but I started overthinking all the reasons not to. 'They don't care, you are worthless, a waste of time'
I'm no time at all I fall asleep.

Hiiii, wow it really is fun to right about something and trying to bring awareness.
Have fun xoxo
1194 words

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