Her Darkest Scars

Start from the beginning

Danielle began to feel excited, did Hanni really mean it? Her partner must be a very lucky person.

Was it possible that she and Miss Kim had decided to take things to a more serious level?

"Who's the candidate?" Danielle grasped Hanni's fingers tightly, hoping her guess was right.

"Miss Kim." After saying that, Hanni immediately pulled her hand away to cover her ears.

Danielle let out a squeaky little scream that sounded like a shriek.

"You're not kidding, right?" she shook Hanni's shoulders while laughing happily, then hugged her tightly.

Gosh this woman is so extra.

"What's wrong? I heard screaming." Haerin came out of her office.

Danielle ran over to her, "HANNI IS GETTING MARRIED TO MISS KIM!" she jumped up to hug Haerin, "Their wedding is next month!" she screamed again and giggled.

Haerin glanced at Hanni, "Uuhhh, yeah." she said.

Danielle looked at Haerin, "Wait, did you know about this? Why didn't you tell me?" she pouted and made a sad face.

"I was thinking of letting Hanni tell you, you guys are friends." she said quickly, she glanced back at Hanni, signaling for help.

"Yeah!!! I wanted this to be a surprise for you..Uh..surprise!" Hanni grinned with an awkward face.

Danielle looked at the two of them squinting her eyes, a moment later she smiled widely, "Whatever it is, I'm happy for you guys." she kissed Haerin's lips, "You're going to have a wonderful sister-in-law." she whispered.

She then let go of the hug and ran to Hanni, hugging her tightly, "I'm really happy you're getting married, I'm sure you can change Miss Kim, I hope you're happy with her Hanni." she whispered softly.

Hanni returned Danielle's hug, feeling touched, "Thank you Danielle..."

She really hoped so.

Minji got out of the elevator and walked towards her office, she furrowed her brows when she saw them.

"Miss Kim!" Danielle released her hug and bowed to her, "Good morning." she smiled widely.

Minji was silent, she glanced at Hanni and continued her walk.
"Let's finish our breakfast." Hanni pulled Danielle's hand.


"This better be important Hanni, I had to lie to Minji that I was taking you to my best friend's place, who luckily is a famous wedding dress designer. And thankfully she has an important meeting with those British guys. You know she's very possessive of people or things she thinks are hers, right?"

Hanni awkwardly squeezed her fingers, "I'm sorry for troubling you Miss Kang, then is Danielle okay with us going together?"

Haerin chuckled, her facial expression immediately turning soft, "She's not the jealous type, after all I allowed her to go with Jin Sol, just for today."

"Now tell me what you want to know about Minji." she took a drink of her mineral water.

"I actually heard this in passing, but it seems like Minji was very angry back then...uh, do you know Minji's ex? The one in college?"

Haerin choked so hard, she immediately coughed while holding on to the edge of the table.

Her face was very red.

"Miss Kang...are you alright?" Hanni looked at her anxiously.

Did I ask the wrong thing?

Haerin tried to calm her cough.

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