Love, Affection, Lust

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Danielle grasped the sheets tightly, she couldn't stop crying.

She hugged Haerin's pillow that was wet with her tears, sobbing.

Haerin finally slept in her guest room after kissing her forehead and saying goodnight.

The COO didn't touch her at all after her last words, she just handed her her nightgown, telling her to get dressed.

Danielle felt low, asking for sex even after she knew Haerin's purpose was only for her body.

In the other room Haerin lay staring at the ceiling.

She couldn'
When Danielle told her that her exes were more into physical contact she thought that the woman had already done it.

But it turned out that maybe the physical contact Danielle meant was just a kiss, a hug, or maybe more than that but not up to sex, Haerin did not understand.

But Haerin couldn't do it, this was unfair to Danielle. That woman loved her, but what about her?

Haerin liked her, but she didn't know if she had the same feelings as Danielle.

And she didn't want to hurt her any further.

She sighed, closing her eyes, trying to sleep.

Dani, you deserve better, and I'm not that person.


The sound of a knock on the door made Danielle's eyes slowly open, her eyes felt heavy, she closed them again.

The door opened slowly and a maid came in carrying a tray of breakfast.
"Good morning Miss." she greeted Danielle cheerfully.

Danielle opened her eyes again, she got up and sat on the bed, rubbing her eyes that were swollen from crying all night.

The maid placed the tray on the long bench near the end of the bed, "I brought you breakfast, and Miss Haerin asked you to get ready afterwards. She said she would be waiting in the living room."

She looked at Danielle with some concern, "Are you alright Miss? Is there anything you need?" she asked gently.
Danielle just smiled weakly, "I'm fine, thank you for bringing breakfast."
The maid bowed respectfully and left the room.

An hour later Danielle came down from upstairs, her eyes caught Haerin who was sitting on the sofa, typing something on her cell phone.

Hero immediately approached her when her feet landed on the floor, Danielle put down her bag and crouched down, "Hey." she greeted softly while rubbing the cat's head, Hero purred.

Haerin lifted her face, she looked at Danielle, her eyes shifted to the bag beside her feet, her brows furrowed.
"Where are you going?" she asked cautiously.

Danielle looked over, she stroked Hero's back and stood up, "I'm going home." she said, her eyes not looking at Haerin.

Haerin put down her cell phone and stood up, her face slightly surprised.

Danielle looked at Hero who was rolling by her feet, asking for attention.
"I'm sorry about what I said last night..I..." she didn't continue her words, holding back her tears.

Haerin walked a few steps closer to Danielle, "I brought you here, I...let me take you home."

Danielle hurriedly shook her head, being around Haerin any longer made her heart hurt, and made herself even more embarrassed.
She tucked her hair behind her ear, "I can take a taxi home."


"Allow me to do this as one of my acts of apology." Haerin added again.
Danielle still looked down, standing hesitantly.

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