White Lie

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A few days passed.

Minji opened the rooftop door, Hyein followed behind her and closed the door.

Several employees who were chatting and smoking immediately stood up when they saw her, they bent 90 degrees. They straightened up and hurriedly walked towards the exit after Minji passed by them, 2 men stubbed out their cigarettes in an ashtray at the center of the garden and quickly walked away as well.

That rooftop garden soon became deserted.

Minji took out her cigarette and lit it, she offered it to Hyein, the taller one bowed her head, "I don't smoke, thank you Ms. Kim." she said.

Minji put her cigarette pack in her coat pocket, she blew the smoke out of her nose, "I know Hyein, neither do I." she said, "Have you ever had fun before? You're like a zombie." she laughed mockingly.

Hyein was silent.

Minji stared at the expanse of buildings in front of her, the wind blowing strongly, fluttering her hair and coat. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of the wind on her face, it was cold...she liked it.

It was starting to get into winter, her favorite season.

She took another drag on her cigarette, "What do you think of the Vietnamese?" she asked suddenly.

"She's a kind and considerate person." Hyein replied, her eyes following the cigarette smoke Minji exhaled which soon dissipated into the wind.

"That's not a guarantee to keep hiring her though."

"Are you not satisfied with her performance, Miss?"

Minji squinted her eyes, watching the clouds that scattered in the sky, she just smoked her cigarette again, not answering Hyein's question.

The rooftop door opened.
Hyein looked over, Minji was still staring at the sky.

Hanni walked up to them, she bowed, "I apologize for disturbing your leisure time Miss. Mr. Kim is in your office and requests your presence immediately." she said.

Minji clenched her jaw, "Make sure that you have his personal assistant's number after this, and tell him to let you know if that old bastard wants to visit my place." she said as she looked at Hyein, a flash of anger evident on her face. Hyein bowed her head.

The young CEO threw her cigarette butt on the ground and stomped on it, walking past Hanni, "Buy me a regular coffee, and clear my today's schedule." she growled, Hanni nodded, "Right away Ms. Kim."


Hanni placed the coffee on Minji's desk, she then stood up awkwardly, not sure which way to look. Minji was leaning her bottom against the edge of the table, folding her arms and looking at her flatly.

Hyein stood next to Minji's chair, she stared at the tall man in the dark gray suit, thinking of how to ask for his number. The tall man looked back at her, raised his eyebrows and then gave her a sharp look.

Hyein knitted her brows, she then took out her cell phone and pointed at it, the man furrowed his brows in confusion. Hyein made a typing gesture with both thumbs, "Your number." she said inaudibly. The tall man glanced at Mr. Kim, he then looked back at Hyein and nodded slightly.

Hyein raised her thumbs.

Hyein turned around, Mr. Kim looked at her and smiled widely.

Minji hated that smile.

"How does it feel to work at the biggest company in South Korea?" Mr. Kim leaned his back on the sofa and looked at Hanni warmly. The young woman bowed her head, "It's amazing Mr. Kim, thank you for giving me this great opportunity." she smiled.

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