I Don't Want Her

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A faint knock was heard on the luxurious wooden door. The knocker waited for a while, there was no answer.

She knocked again more firmly.

Meanwhile, inside the bedroom a young woman opened her eyes slightly when she heard the knock, she groaned and moved only slightly, then closed her eyes again.

The silence returned.

The knocking came again, now it sounded more like banging.
The young woman opened her eyes in annoyance, she threw off her blanket and got up from the bed, staggering as sleepiness still overcame her, she walked towards the door, opening it roughly.

"I apologize for my impudence this morning Miss Kim." A tall young woman bowed to her, she then straightened up.
Her eyes stared into the black orbs of the young woman in front of her, who was staring at her expressionlessly.

An uneasy feeling began to surround her, she cleared her throat, "You had an appointment with your new secretary this morning at 8, and it's already..."
"I know Hyein." the young woman growled.
"Your new secretary is already in your waiting room."
"Tell her to go home." the young woman looked at her coldly.

Hyein stared back at her, she bowed her head, "She is a candidate directly chosen by the founder himself, he won't be happy if he knows about it."
"I don't give a fuck what he thinks, tell her to go home, I don't need a secretary."
"I'm afraid I can't do that Miss."

The young woman's hands moved quickly to grab the collar of Hyein's blazer, the taller one gasped.
"I am the one who pays you, you will fucking do as I say." she snarled.
Hyein looked into her eyes, there was never any life in them, always empty and vile.

She bowed her head, "That's true, but I can't refuse Mr. Kim's wishes either. I'm sorry, but you must prepare now." she looked down.

Both hands soon let go of her roughly, the owner turned around and slammed the door in front of her face.

Lee Hyein let out her breath that she didn't realize she was holding,
She adjusted the collar of her blazer and stepped out of the room.

She then walked towards the waiting room, approaching a young woman who was sitting on a creamy white leather sofa.
"Ms. Kim will see you soon." she said as she bowed her head, the young woman stood up and bowed, "Thank you very much." she smiled.

Hyein gave a small smile, she then left.
She felt sorry for her, the young lady didn't know what awaited her.


The clock on the wall showed nine in the morning, the breeze from the central air conditioner blowing all over, making the room feel cold.

The room was lined with greenwool material to absorb the noise from outside and also so that the sound from inside could not be heard outside the room. The door was covered in frosted glass, giving it more privacy.

Kim Minji sat in her leather chair, in front of her was a premium, L-shaped office desk for leaders.

The desk was occupied only by an open macbook and the intercom next to it. To the left of the wide desk was a small glass table with crystal glasses and a half-diminished bottle of Evian, a small plate of sliced fruits was at the end of the table.

She scrutinized the documents in her hands carefully, occasionally her sharp eyes would glance at the young woman standing in front of her, then back to the documents.

Her finger then pressed the intercom button on her desk.
"Yes Ms. Kim?" came the female voice on the other side, delicate and elegant.
"Tell Haerin to come to my office."

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