Soohmore year; the fight

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Im glad that the accusations have died down and I can focus more on Wes now. I go to class as normal and Wes walks me to every single class so you can imagine my surprise when he's not waiting for me outside my last class like he usually is. I think not much of it until I see Wes's friend, yep you guessed it, Alexsis. Alexsis is with her boyfriend, Scott and I make inventory of this since Wes is conveniently not around. I can hear Scott as he tries to reason with Alexsis. "Come on, please don't hurt her." "I just don't want you to hurt her." He says. And she pushes him aside and comes walking toward me. "So Ibe heard what you've been saying about me!" She yells at me, clearly mad about something. "What do you mean Alex?" I shoot back. "You know what I mean, Madison (Alexsis "sister") told me that toy said I should just f-ing shut my mouth and that you called me a b word." (I'm sensoring this because children might be present and mainly because I don't like using curse words but you get the idea. She was mad) "Ah, I didn't say any of that and I wouldn't call you any curse words since I don't curse and I hardly know you." Clearly she wasn't to pleased with my answer because after scolding me or whatever she was doing and accusing me of lying to her, she said this. "Okay. Then we'll have to fight." (Not very lady like if you ask me.) "But you have to promise me Jen, you won't report me to the principal. And if this was a real fight I know you would win." "But Alex you're a junior and I'm a Sophmore." I replied back. "Doesn't matter Jen, just please promise me you won't tell?" "Okay fine, I promise Alex I won't tell." So she then waits till the security of our school isn't there and then socks me in the mouth. (My head how's back because I'll admit, she did throw a pretty good punch.) And once I regain my composure I'm ready to show this girl a lesson. But I look around and she's gone. She totally flaked out on me. She did a hit and run.

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