Sophmore year; Westin cheats

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* the bolded parts are my commentary/ Jenna's thoughts*

( I jump down in my combat boots and my black dress that's skin tight. I know this is what all of you have been waiting for so let's jump into it.)
6 weeks after all the lovey dovey things, like me meeting Westin's friends and him cheating on me with another girl, comes the good stuff. The lies,betrayal, secrets, and the blood shed. (His,not mine of course.) It started with Wes coming to me and telling me he cheated.
"Jenna, baby, please don't be mad at me but I cheated on you." He says in the most calm voice ever, might I add. Don't get mad? Are you seriously joking? You tell a girl who you've dated for years that you cheated? And you expect her not to get mad? Yeah sure.
"Okay." Is all I say back to him, as I start plotting his demise. "Oh- okay." He mutters back and then he hugs me. Y'all he fricken hugs me after telling me he cheated. The AUDACITY of this- this THING. (I can't call him a man if he doesn't act like one)
"So we're good?" He asks slowly.
"Yep." I manage to say.
Then I release myself from his grip and I push myself away from him. I get up and I walk over to my friends, the only ones I can trust as of now. And they look so confused to see me not with him, but I try my best to act like everything is okay and I sit with them.

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