Chapter 2- The Survival

Start from the beginning

"Would you die for Gerak?" She asked.

They all nodded again.

"Good," she said, "I'm sending you five on a suicide mission. I want you to infiltrate the armies of Tortu and kill as many of them as you can. Am I understood?"

"Yes, my liege," Carter said while the rest nodded.

"Leave me!" Bidi said in exclamation.

They would be on the next ship for Tortu. Carter wasn't excited about dying, but he was a man of honor and would die for his kingdom. Charged with the task of killing did excite most of the spies, but things could go horribly wrong if they were caught.

On the ship, Carter devised a plan. They would all join the armies of Tortu and murder the army members in their sleep. Carter and company were able to murder entire barracks of men, but when they were caught, they were tortured by orders of King Pedon.

Pedon was searching for answers of why a tenth of his army were killed by five men. Carter was lucky to die before he was tortured... he died fighting in the barracks. Nicklaus and Noah weren't as lucky. They were tortured for answers to questions they didn't know.

As Nicklaus and Noah were tortured, King Tardash assumed they were all spies from Gerak there to diminish the threat of the army, but Nicklaus escaped his binds unexpectedly. He quickly made his way to the window and took a chance jumping out. They were only on the second floor, so he wasn't injured too badly. He made his way into the town and stole some clothes to blend in. He was nude as he was being tortured, but the new clothes made it very easy for him to escape.

Gaining passage back to Gerak would prove easily done. He gained passage on a ship destined for the capital city by telling the captain what he had done for the queen, what he had endured to get to where he was and still be alive. Noah didn't make it out alive. His binds were too tight, and he couldn't escape. But Nick would live on for all of them. He would eventually become a legitimate problem for the people of Tortu, as he became an advisor to the crown of Gerak, much less dangerous than being a spy, but still with obvious threats, like what happened to May.

A few hours would pass, and they were finally within visual distance of the capital city of Gerak, which of course changed three times in recent history, as it was usually just where the king and queen lived.

They lived in the beach now, in a port city, with a castle that extended high into the sky. The castle also had a mote and a wall around it, with a draw bridge to access the castle. The only problem with this was there was seemingly only one way in and out, but was that true?

There was an underground tunnel extending miles away into a meadow. It was a hidden secret, and few knew about it, but there was another way out of the castle. Bidi, of course, knew about it, but Arthur did not. Bidi would often use it to escape into Drog Hakul, where she truly felt home, but with Patsy's death, Drog Hakul greatly changed, and it was no longer a safe haven for asexual people. Consequently, Bidi hadn't been back since.

Nicklaus made it back to the castle, where he sought audience with the king and queen. He stood before them and said, "the mission was a huge success, we killed two thousand militiamen."

"Then why are you not dead?" Bidi asked.

"I escaped with my life. Aren't you happy to have a report back to you?" Nick said.

"I am happy, but confused," Bidi said.

"What is this all about?" Arthur asked.

"While you were unwell, I planned an attack on Tortu," Bidi informed.

"I assume it went well?" Arthur directed at Nicklaus.

"It did, my lord," Nicklaus said with enthusiasm, "a tenth of Tortu's forces were killed by five men. We throttled them in their sleep."

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