𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏

Start from the beginning

Whether Allison wanted to admit it or not, she would first be loyal to her family. Ophelia is only counting down the days to when the teenage girl would surprise everyone and shoot an arrow into Scott McCall or Derek Hale.

The method that Ophelia had found actually worked to take her mind off things was simply killing people. It gave her a brief moment by focusing on someone other than herself, making sure that they weren't able to get away from her violently sharp fangs. More so, it's the blood that provides the best distraction. The immediate pleasure it gives her as soon as the substance hits her tongue, or the way their screams desperately plead for her to stop. The last part is only if she leaves out the compulsion for her victim to stay silent. She quite likes hearing the hopeless pleas as she slowly drains the life out of their bodies.

Finally reaching the front of the line, Ophelia sighs through her nose when the bouncer quietly scoffs at her and folds his arms, silently telling her, 'No fucking way.' He quickly changes his mind when seeing the girl's eyes glow an unnatural blood red, and he steps aside for her to enter the club. With a triumphant grin, Ophelia pats his shoulder in thanks as she brushes the curtain aside and is immediately hit with the loud pumping bass music.

Normally, a gay club wouldn't be her first preference of choice on a Thursday night. But due to the lack of public spaces around her, Ophelia is happy with anything. 'Anything' meaning loud music, alcohol, and people to drink from. Pushing past hordes of males moving their bodies suggestively to the music, she makes a beeline for the bar in the distance.

The blonde man behind the counter raises his eyebrows in exasperation at the girl when she folds her arms on the bench and leans forward. "Need some ID." Ophelia rolls her eyes and instead grabs onto the collar of his shirt, pulling his face considerably closer so their noses are almost touching. His eyes widen at the action and his cheeks flush pink in embarrassment. "Listen, I'm-"

"Not into girls, I don't care," she bluntly finishes off. She stares into his hazel eyes, both pairs of pupils dilating as she uses her compulsion to order a drink. "What I do care about, though, is getting a drink. Your most expensive bottle of tequila, free of charge."

Half an hour later and Ophelia has her eyes closed as she dances freely along to the current song playing in her ears. Her blonde hair cascades down behind her, the girl a stark contrast in the sea of males surrounding her. Yet strangely, no one is bothered or seems to care.

With the litre of tequila running through her blood stream, she's less focused on the heartbeats and more on enjoying herself. That also occasionally meant someone coming up and attempting to grind against her, only for the hybrid to violently shove them away and continue as if nothing had happened. When the music changes to something more upbeat, mischief dances in Ophelia's green eyes as a dangerous smirk toys on her lips. She scans the crowd around her before sauntering over to someone mixed deep in the centre of the floor. Even though the random man's eyes widen in surprise when her arms wrap around his neck, he quickly relaxes after listening to the girl's soothing voice commanding him to stay silent and still.

She allows her fangs to elongate as she deeply inhales and leans forward to harshly pierce her canines into the skin, causing an almost inaudible whimper leaving her victim's lips. To anyone else watching, it's as if the blonde is kissing his neck, leaving multiple love bites as a side effect.

In reality, Ophelia continues to drink the blood as her fingers tightly wrap around his biceps. She moans in content at the taste and pulls away, all her hybrid features on full display. She slowly brings a finger up to wipe the single droplet of blood off her chin and sucks it suggestively before giggling in an almost manic manner.

If any bystanders notice her monstrous qualities, they're either too high or too drunk to take the girl seriously like they should.

She steps backward and throws her head back, her body moving on its own accord to the beat. The hybrid feels alive. The taste of human blood lingers on her tongue, her mouth continuing to salivate as her head yells at her to initiate a kill. The drowning pulses of heartbeats seem to fall in sync with the loud thuds of the music and a wide smile spreads onto Ophelia's lips.

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